*monday morning*
I woke up to my alarm "Carry on my wayward son" by Kanses.
I took a shiwer and threw on a pair of ripped blue jeans and an asking alexandria tee shirt with a grey jacket with a bvb star on the back of it.
I brushed my hair and teeth and went in my room and grabbed my phone, headphones, and my mcr (messanger) bag and put my books in it.
I checked my phone to see a few texts from the guys.
Roxy- hey, anyone up yet?
Jay- yep:)
Pierce-IM UP
Blaze- guys, Carter locked her door and she wont come out.
Ace- is she ok?
Blaze- idk. She sounds like shes crying. I dint think im going to school today.
Roxy- ill be there in 10
Pierce- give me 20
Ace- walking out the door now.
Jay- on my way
Me- ill be there in a minuit.
I wonder what's wrong with Carter?
I go downstairs and head for the door.
"Hey West" Jeff greeted me.
"Not now Jeff, im sorry" i was too worried about Carter.
"Oh, ok" he put his hands in his pockets and started walking away.
I felt bad, but Carter needs us right now.
I was about half-way through the woods when i was stopped by Toby.
"Hey West, why are u leaving so early?" He asked.
"Im- uhh. just getting a head start to school" i said and continued walking.
"is everything ok?" He asked.
"of course. I'll text ya later."
"Oh, ok. See ya later" he smiled.
*at Blazes and Carters' house*
I walk up the stairs to Carters room.
Everyone was sitting outside of her room accept Blaze.
"Where is Blaze and Pierce?" I asked everyone.
"Carter let her in." Jay said.
"Pierce isnt here yet" Roxy said.
(We sat outside of her room in scilence for about an hour before Blaze came out.)
"Well-" Roxy asked.
"Call an ambulence" she said quickly before walking back into Carters room.
We all followed.
The first thing that i saw was a few blood drops on the carpet.
Jay saw Carter and started tearing up before leaving the room.
I could hear Roxy in the back ground talking into the phone.
"I was trying to keep her awake, but she just passed out." Blaze said trying not to cry.
"What happend?" I asked moving infrount of the croud seeing Carter on Blazes lap, her wrist cut. There were several scars, but none as bad as the last one.
I stopped in shock.i tried to turn around to get out of sight, but ran streight into Aces' hug. He held me in a hug for a while while we cried.
Carter has only been passed out for about 3 or 4 minuits, everything was happening so fast.
We heard the amulence.We all moved out of the way as they put Carter on a strecher and take her away taking Blaze with them.
"How far away is the hostpital?" I asked.
"About 15- 20 minuits, going about 60mph" Ace asked.
I whipped my tears away."We dont have anyone to take us.. our parents are at work and they all work atlease an hour away."
Roby said.
"I- i have a really bad idea, but it might be all that we have."
They all looked at me waiting for what i had to say.
"My dad.. my real dad"

Perfect Weapon
RandomEverything is normal at the slendermancion... well, at least normal for them. slender is in his study working, and his proxies are out killing, like usual. but one of the proxies makes a mistake. Will he be banned? killed? maybe, he could become a...