*Toby's POV*
I am so tired. I have been up for 2 days straight. I just want to be in my own bed. Slender is making us do some weird 'study' on Zalgo. He says that West is getting old enough for Zalgo to think its ok to make deals and manipulate her.
I'm not imortal yet so I just get to sit around with my face shoved I books while there out there being badasses.
I want to text West, but I forgot my charger at the house. I was going to ask Jeff if I could borrow his phone, but he was already in a pissy mood.
Bug Damn, I miss West. She is all I can think about. She's all I've been able to think about since we met.
She was so worried about Ace, I wonder how he's doing anyways. Damn, West home alone.. that sounds like a party.
I smerked at my thoughts and continued reading.*Wests' POV*
I sat in the cafeteria with Carter waiting for everyone else. I think Pierce is in iss (in school suspension). I haven't heard much, but I've heard a few rumors.
I saw Roxy, Blaze, and Jay walking towards us.
"Pierce is in iss" Roxy said sitting down.
"how come?" Carter asked.
"he punched someone" Jay spoke, he was starting to have the lisp that he used to have. it made me smile.
"why would he punch someone and who did he punch?* Carter was concerned.
"Adam, because he was making fun of you. he got what was coming." Blaze said
I just rolled my eyes and continued drawing.
"ohh, ok. is he in a lot of trouble?" Carter asked.
"nah, that just said he's been under a lot of stress, but he just got detention for a few days. so did Adam."
The day went on slowly, I would say normally, but it was anything but normal. usually we are talkative and always smiling and talking, it was pretty silent.
when I got home, I sat my stuff down and went into my room. I turned on some music and began doing my homework.
i did a lot of my absent homework in the hospital, but I still have a few things.
After I did my homework I pulled out my phone.
the group chat was starting to regain life. I muted the chat, honestly I didn't really want to talk to anyone accept Toby.
I opened up mine and Jeffs conversation and began a new one.
me- hey. how's it going?
Jeff- same as always, and yourself?
me- pretty boring tbh. its really weird being alone in such a big house. lol
Jeff- yeah tell me about it, that's what it was like when u were in the hospital.
me- ohh, lol. sorry to cause u so much pain.
Jeff- damn straight, u better be sorry. it was horrible!
me- I was being sarcastic.
Jeff- hehe, I know kiddo.
Jeff- lol so wyd?
me- just sitting here. hey is Toby's phone dead or something?
Jeff- yeah, probably. ohh, I forgot to tell u. He's coming home tonight.
me- why only him?
Jeff- well, he's not imortal yet, so he's pretty usless at the time, and always lol
Me- can u at least try to be nice to him? for me?
Jeff- ehh.
me- :(
me- hehe, yay. hey, I'm gonna go. ttyl.
Jeff- ok, hey! stay outta my room. lol see ya
I set my phone down and screamed into my pillow. Toby is coming home. it will just be us! eeekkk!
oh my God, what was that? I sounded like a girl. wait- I am a girl? what is happening??
I tried to entertain myself by doing anything, everything, and nothing. time couldn't go by fast enough.
at About 11 I heard the frount door open. my eyes shot open.
I ran out of my room, down the stairs, and to the front door and into Toby's hug.
"I missed you so much." I said into his warm chest.
he rested his cheek on my head.
" I missed you too."
we let go after a few moments.
"what do you wanna do?" I asked as we walked to the basement.
"Xbox?" he asked.
"sure" I smiled at him.
"h-hey. actually, I need to t-talk to you." he began studdering and ticcing. I found it pretty adorable to be honest.
"ok. Toby its just me, you don't have to be nervous, you know that." I smiled.
"i-i know.. but, but.. I l-like you West."
My heart dropped.
"Toby i-" I started, but was cut off.
"i-i know. I'm sorry. I can't help it, your just.. so amazing and beautiful. I love your voice, you are so nice. I love you, West. and I understand if u don't feel the same. I don't expect you do, but-" Without thinking I grabbed his shirt pulling him closer to me until our lips crashed together. He was in shock at first, but after a second he kissed me back. as cliché as it sounds, yes, our lips moved together like a puzzle.
we both blushed after pulling away. I bit my lip, really hard.
"damn" he chuckled.
"surprise" I smiled.
he laughed a bit.
"soo, what now?" he asked.
"hmm, I don't know, what do two people that like eachother do when their home alone." I asked.
"xbox." he smerked.
"good, you passed the test." I giggled as we sat on the couch and began playing Xbox.
By about 2am we decided to go to his room.
We layed side by side before he pulled my closer, my head was on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat.
"I missed you so much Toby." I burried my face into his chest.
he kissed the top of my head.
"I missed you too, West."
was all that was said before we drifted off to sleep.*A/N*
I don't understand why I am fangirling so much over MY OWN book, but I am. I am so excited. I have been waiting SO long and I really hope I'm not rushing it!! I feel like I am, but I couldn't wait anymore. ugh, idk. ideas for the next chapter? please comment, vote and subscribe!

Perfect Weapon
RandomEverything is normal at the slendermancion... well, at least normal for them. slender is in his study working, and his proxies are out killing, like usual. but one of the proxies makes a mistake. Will he be banned? killed? maybe, he could become a...