Astrid Blank Hofferson

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If you are as addicted to HTTYD as I am, you will be just as frustrated about Astrid's lack of a middle name. You hear the full names of all the other riders and this really annoyed me. So here is a little Oneshot of what I think it would be.

This is set during RTTE season 5. Hope you enjoy :)


Hiccup's eyes shot open. The muffled shouts coming from the clubhouse had disturbed his first night's sleep in three days. Astrid groaned sleepily as she began to stir beside him.

"Hiccup..." She managed to whisper. She was even more exhausted than he was, not that he could blame her. She had been working day and night to protect the base from Krogan and the hunters. The defensive perimeter she had built was incredible, but it came at a cost, so Hiccup told her to take the day off, which she only agreed to when Hiccup agreed to join her.

"Okay, that's it!" Hiccup could handle being woken up at ridiculous times, but Astrid was seriously exhausted and there was no way he was letting the riders get away with waking her.

He quickly got to work attaching his prosthetic. He threw on his red tunic and leather shirt. Astrid groaned in protest as his warmth left the bed.

"Shh..." Hiccup whispered, brushing her bangs away from her face, before planting a kiss on her forehead. "Go back to sleep, Milady." He suggested.

Of course, Astrid being the stubborn shield maiden she was, ignored him and rolled out of bed, pulling herself to her feet. She was barely able to open her eyes. Hiccup rolled his eyes but refused to argue. He had come to learn, the only thing more stupid than arguing with Astrid, was arguing with a sleepy Astrid. He wrapped his arm around her waist, practically holding her up. She leaned into his shoulder, resting her hand on his chest for support. He smiled down at her before leading her to the clubhouse.


"I'm telling you, it's Helga!" Ruffnut stated. Tuffnut disagreed.

"Nope, I think it's Freyja." Her brother protested.

"He has a point." Snotlout shrugged in agreement. "Goddess of beauty and all that."

"What about Ingrid?" Fishlegs asked.

"Woah, guys. What's going on in here?" Hiccup asked as he and Astrid stumbled into the clubhouse. He sat Astrid down before returning his attention to his friends.

"I guess we could always ask Hiccup, I'm sure he knows." Snotlout suggested.

"Know what?" Hiccup asked, curiously.

"What's Astrid's middle name?" Tuff asked the future chief. Astrid rubbed her sleepy eyes before attempting to stand up, only to be halted by Hiccup's hand on her shoulder.

"Okay, who do I have to kill?" She asked, groggily. Hiccup scowled at his friends.

"That's why you woke us up on our day off?!" Hiccup bellowed. His arms flying around dramatically. His face, red with fury. "Because you were arguing about Astrid's middle name?!"

"Oh, come on. We have Snotlout Gary Jorgenson, Fishlegs Justin Ingerman, Ruffnut Eugene Thorston, Tuffnut Laverne Thorston, and everyone knows the ol' triple H, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III." Tuff explained.

Hiccup paused, his face fading back to its original color. He turned to his girlfriend, who was half asleep on the chair in the corner, fighting to stay awake, with a look that seemed confused and curious all at once. "What is your middle name?" Hiccup's curiosity was peaked. The riders all looked in confusion. They assumed she would have told Hiccup if nobody else. Astrid turned away, her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. Her hands began fidgeting, which they only did when she was nervous.

"I don't have one." She fibbed. She still sounded as tired as she looked. Hiccup could see right through her. He knew her too well.

"So, it's just Astrid Hofferson?" Fishlegs asked. Astrid nodded, still avoiding eye contact. Hiccup smiled, knowingly.

"Let's get you back to bed." Hiccup suggested, walking towards the yawning blonde, who nodded in agreement. He turned back as he left the clubhouse with his arm wrapped around Astrid. "Fishlegs, don't let them out of your sight." He gestured to the twins, who were still grounded for setting the forge on fire.


They finally reached Astrid's hut. They usually stayed in Hiccup's hut as it was warmer, but it was still in need of some repairs after the Twins' little episode. Hiccup closed the door and headed to the bed where Astrid was now sat taking off her boots. He knelt on the bed behind her, his arms snaked around her waist and his head rested on her shoulder.

"Astrid..." Hiccup whispered.

"Yeah?" She responded with a smile.

"What is your middle name?" He asked her, once more, determined to get an answer. Astrid's smile faded.

"Hiccup... I told you..."

"Astrid..." Hiccup raised his eyebrow, not that she was looking.

Astrid sighed in defeat. She hated that Hiccup could read her like a book, but a part of her loved it at the same time. She reached for the chest beside her bed, opening it and pulling out a letter from her Mother. Hiccup smiled as he read over her shoulder, seeing who it was addressed to.

"It's beautiful." Astrid smiled with relief at her boyfriend's words, leaning back against his chest as his arms wrapped around her and held her tight.

"I mean..." Hiccup cleared his throat, correcting himself before receiving one of Astrid's famous punches. "It's... Hardcore."

Astrid giggled and closed her eyes. Hiccup noticed and took the letter from her, placing it back in the chest before repositioning them both so they were lying beneath the fur blanket. She nuzzled into his side as he placed a kiss on her forehead. She soon began to drift off in Hiccup's arms. She smiled as she heard him whisper.

"Sweet dreams, Astrid Rose Hofferson."

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