Overprotective much?

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Thank you to HTTYDwriter24 for this request I absolutely love it! Part 2 is in progress.
Zephyr is 15
Nuffink is 13
Requests are welcome x
Hope you enjoy :)


New Berk was thriving under the leadership of Hiccup Haddock. Everyone was happy. Until Hiccup got the worst news imaginable.


Gobber had begun to notice a change in Zephyr's behavior. She was still as stubborn as her mother. But, she was acting strangely distant, like she was in a daydream. Astrid and Hiccup had begun to notice too. Of course, Astrid already knew something strange was going on, as it reminded her of when Hiccup was acting weird, well weirder, back when Toothless was still a secret.

Every day, after dragon training with Gobber and Gustav, Zephyr would rush to Dart and fly off. At first, her parents just assumed that she was off training somewhere. Until she started flying off at the break of dawn and not returning until the sun began to set.

Of course, Astrid had tried to talk to her about it, but since she had her mother's pride and warrior spirit, it didn't work. Other than her hair color, she could often have been mistaken for her mother as a teen, though she had her father's inventive mind.


"Ah, Astrid. Can I have a word?" Gobber asked as the blonde passed him.

"Sure." She followed him to the arena. "What is it?"

"I'm a little worried about, wee Zeph. She's been acting a little... Well, not herself." He explained.

"You noticed that too?" She sighed. "I'll talk to her." Astrid assured though she had no idea how she was gonna get her stubborn daughter to tell her much of anything.


The Haddocks had just enjoyed their weekly family dinner when a Terrible Terror flew through the window, crashing to the floor.

"Nuff, could you get that for me?" Hiccup asked his son. Nuffink went to retrieve the scroll from the tiny dragon before he flew off.

"Zeph, it's for you." He handed her the scroll. She excused herself from the table and headed towards her bedroom.

Twenty minutes had passed and the auburn-haired teen still hadn't returned. Astrid went to her room to talk to her but was shocked to find it empty. Zephyr had escaped through the window. It wasn't like Zephyr to leave without permission. She was usually well behaved for a fifteen year old girl.

Astrid noticed the scroll on her nightstand. She wasn't one to invade her daughters privacy, but since her daughter was missing, she thought she would make an exception. She opened the scroll and began to read.

Good afternoon, Milady.
Tommorow? Sundown?
Usual place? What do you say?
Cas x

Astrid rolled her eyes and chuckled. Zephyr had a boyfriend. That was her big secret? The letter sounded just as cheesy as Hiccup. Astrid tucked the scroll into her skirt before heading back downstairs.

"How is she?" Hiccup asked. Astrid couldn't lie to him. She had vowed to be honest with him. She sighed.


"What?!" Hiccup shrieked.

"She must have climbed out of the window." She explained. "Don't worry I think I know where she is. You guys stay here incase she comes back. I'll find her." She quickly added.

Hiccup opened his mouth to protest and offer to go instead, but soon changed his mind after recieving the mom glare from his wife.

Astrid took off to find her daughter, and surely enough, she was in the first place she looked. It didn't take a genius. While Zephyr was as strong and fearless as her mother, there was no doubt that she was a daddy's girl. But of course, why wouldn't she be? She was his little princess. From the day she was born, he had been wrapped around her finger. So where else would she be than... Hiccup's thinking seastack.

"Zeph?" Astrid called as Stormfly landed behind the brunette.

"Mom?!" She yelped.

"It's not like you to run off. What's going on?" Astrid asked as she sat beside her daughter, sending Stormfly to play with Dart.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have left like that. I just... needed some air." She sighed.

"Anything I can help with?" Astrid placed a hand on her daughters shoulder.

"It's just..." She paused.

"Yeah, Sweetie?"

"Mom, what does love feel like?" Astrid sighed, smiling at her daughter.

"Well, I remember the first time I realized I loved your father. I was fifteen, like you." She explained. Of course she would never admit any of this to her husband. "I remember looking into his eyes and... I felt safe, and a warmth across my chest like..."

"Like your heart was glowing?" Zephyr interrupted. Astrid nodded.

"What's brought all this on?" Zeph sighed.

"Promise you won't tell dad?"

"Depends on what it is." Astrid told her. Zephyr sighed, knowing all too well that her parents had promised not to hide things from each other when it came to her and her brother.

"I... I met this boy, and I think I really like him."

"And does he like you?" Astrid asked, trying to sound supportive, though desperate to find out more. He daughter nodded. "Why didn't you just say something? You know you can always talk to me."

"I don't want dad to hate me." She explained, letting a tear slip. Astrid was certain that this was the first time she had seen her daughter cry in thirteen years. She pulled her close and held her tight, remembering what a comfort it was when her own mother would comfort her.

"Zeph, your father could never hate you. Why don't you let me talk to him?" Zeph hesitated but nodded. "Now about this boy..."


"Zeph!" Hiccup hugged his daughter, thanking the gods that she was safe.

"Hey, dad."

"Where's Nuff?" Astrid asked her husband.

"He went looking for you guys." Hiccup explained, finally allowing his daughter to breathe. Astrid turned to her daughter.

"Sweetie, why don't you go and find your brother?" Astrid suggested, knowing it was easier for her to be out of the house for the following conversation. She nodded, heading out with her dragon, who was still being hugged by Toothless. While Zephyr had to ask her parents permission to leave, it was no different for her dragon.

"What happened? Where was she?" Hiccup turned his attention to his wife.

"Hiccup, relax. She was at the seastack."

"Why did she leave like that?"

"Hiccup... She has a boyfriend."

Hiccup froze. There were probably gentler ways to break the news. But, Astrid decided not to drag out the process, knowing exactly how he was gonna react, she thought it was best to get it over with.


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