Love is a battlefield

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TW violence. (Not much but still)
Highly requested.

Requests are welcome x
Hope you enjoy :)


Arnold the Arrogant. Hiccups cousin. Let's just say, he lives up to the name.

It was hard to say who was more jealous of the other. While Arnold was a tall dark and handsome figure, with more muscle than Hiccup could ever dream of, Hiccup was next in line for the throne of his island, whereas Arnold was the youngest of four.

Unfortunately for Hiccup, Arnold was also incredibly spoilt. Whatever he wanted he got and if he didn't , he would take it anyway. So you can imagine the fire raging through Hiccups bones at his cousins latest request. Astrid.

"What?!" Hiccup shrieked.

"Her." Arnold looked towards the blonde as she flew towards the arena. "By sundown, she'll be mine!"

It took every ounce of willpower Hiccup had, not to cut his head off.

"Astrids spoken for!" He stated in a far more aggressive tone than planned.

"By who?!" Arnold glared. Hiccup stared at him. Fury spread across his body. The large prince of Corebain Haven chuckled. "Oh, Cousin. You're not serious? Why would someone like her, ever be with you?" He laughed as he walked away. Hiccup froze.

He couldn't help the truth in Arnold's statement. He too, had wondered the same thing, many times. Why was Astrid with him? He wasn't exactly the strongest, bravest or even the most Viking-like teen. Unlike Astrid, who was the prettiest, bravest, most fearless warrior he'd ever known.


Arnold spent the entire week, pestering poor Astrid. Having about as much luck as Snotlout. She couldn't believe she still had another week of this before Arnold finally sailed off back to where he came from.

Astrid was in the arena, doing some close combat training. Normally, she would be training in the woods, but with Hiccups cousin following her around like a puppy, she didn't want him to find her secret training spot. It was her only escape from the foul beast of a man. He was currently stood by the wall of the arena. Every word he said made Astrid's punches stronger. It's a relief that the training dummy couldn't feel anything.




"How many times?"


"I'm not interested."


"Astrid. Don't fight it. You know it is your destiny to be with me." He chuckled, starting to sound a lot like Snotlout.


The dummy snapped. Astrid finally noticed the bruises forming on her knuckles.

"Ooo, feisty. I like it." Arnold started walking towards the worn out blonde.

"Look...It's never gonna happen, okay?!" Astrid snapped before walking away. She suddenly felt a large hand grasp her wrist pulling her back.

Arnold brought his face just inches away from Astrids. He was at least a foot taller than her. She fought to escape his grasp, which only caused him to tighten his grip. Her threw her against the wall.

"I wasn't asking." He smirked.

Astrid froze. She could have escaped. She could have hit him, or something. But she didn't. She couldn't. She was paralyzed.

His grasp on her wrist was tightening with every second. So much that it almost hurt. Of course if she were anyone but Astrid she would have been screaming in pain by now. Luckily she had an extremely high tolerance for pain.

She felt his hand work it's way up the fabric of her shirt.

"Stop!" She hissed at him. She would have slapped him so hard were it not for her other hand being stuck behind her back. He only chuckled in response. He was pressed tightly against her. His knee pressed into her inner thigh to keep her from bolting. The pain was almost too much. She noticed him leaning in and seized the opportunity. She flung her head forward, colliding with his. The second his grip was loosened she ran out of the arena, stumbling through the dizziness she had brought upon herself. She called for Stormfly who swooped in and carried Astrid back to her hut.

She raced upstairs to her room, ignoring Heather who was sat downstairs talking to Astrid's mother. She slammed her door shut only for it to be stopped by Heather's foot. Astrid didn't protest and fell to the floor beside her bed, hissing in pain.

"Astrid?! What happened?!" Heather panicked as she walked into Astrid's room.

"Lock the door!" Astrid rasped out as she began breathing heavily. Heather did as told before making her way to the blonde who was kicking off her boots. Heather noticed Astrid trying to blink the world back into focus.

"Astrid? Did you hit your head?" She noticed the small bruise on the blonde's forehead. Astrid nodded. "What happened?"

"Arnold." Astrid exhaled. Heather could see the fear in Astrid's eyes. At that moment Astrid winced in agony. "Astrid? What else hurts?"

"I'm... fine." Heather was unconvinced. Astrid's breathing was short and shallow. Heather raced downstairs to grab her some water. She tried to reassure Astrid's mother that her daughter was fine.

When she returned, she found Astrid had removed her arm wraps and shoulder pads and was in the process of kicking off her leggings. She was finding it a rather difficult task as she was shaking uncontrollably and starting to hyperventilate. Heather locked the door and rushed to her side.

"Astrid. Breathe before you pass out." Heather put the mug of water on the floor and wrapped her arms around the quivering blonde.


Hiccup had been looking for Astrid everywhere. They had agreed to meet at the cove for an afternoon flight. You can imagine his panic when she didn't show. He had looked almost everywhere. He rushed to Astrid's hut. She rarely went home anymore but he was running out of ideas. He hopped off of Toothless and began pounding on the door, frantically.

When Astrid's mother,Lotus opened the door, she knew exactly why he was there.

"She's upstairs, Lad." He nodded gratefully and he rushed up the stairs and began pounding on her bedroom door.

"Astrid? Astrid it's me. Are you okay?!" He called out.

Astrid had finally managed to get her breathing back in check and was still being cradled by Heather.

"I'm fine, Hiccup." She fibbed.

"Can you let me in?" He begged.

"I just wanna be alone." She fibbed again. Not that she was alone anyway. Hiccup immediately knew something was wrong. He began shaking the door in an attempt to shimmy it open.

"Hiccup you can't get in. It's locked." Heather explained. Just then the door flew open.

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