It Hurts

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(Code Red Part 4) This continues on from the previous chapter, go check it out.

Requests are welcome x

Hope you enjoy :)


The riders were on their way back to Berk. They were about halfway there when Astrid felt a slight pressure in her stomach. She brushed it off. Before long, the pressure turned to pain. It wasn't bad, but Stormfly wasn't fooled. She squawked at Toothless, who was a little farther ahead. He slowed down, now flying beside Stormfly and Astrid.

"Astrid? You okay?" Hiccup worried.

"I'm fine. Just uncomfortable." She explained. "My skirt's a little tight, that's all." She reassured.

"Sorry, babe. We'll be there soon."

"Uh, Hiccup..." Fishlegs called. "I wouldn't be so sure about that." He pointed towards three dragon hunter ships, headed in their direction. The dragons all surrounded Astrid and Stormfly in a circle formation. The dragons had also become very protective of the young blonde.

"Let's go guys. Astrid, stay here." Hiccup ordered.


"No!" He interrupted. "Astrid, it's not up for negotiation. Stay out of range." She huffed but nodded in agreement. It wasn't often that Hiccup told her what to do, but she was carrying his child, so she knew he wouldn't give up easily.

Astrid watched from above as Fishlegs and Heather took the ship on the left, Snotlout and the twins took the ship on the right, Hiccup took the main ship in the center. The pain in her stomach came creeping back. She brushed it off again when she noticed a hunter arrow darting straight towards her fiance.

"STORMFLY, SPINESHOT!" The Nadder shot one of her spines, blocking the arrow just in time. Astrid let out a sigh of relief until she noticed all catapults facing Hiccup and Toothless. "Stormfly!" The Nadder ignored her rider. She knew Astrid wanted to join the battle, but she also didn't want Astrid or the baby to get hurt. "Stormfly, now!" The Nadder looked towards Hiccup and Toothless, who were now surrounded, and darted towards them.

She managed to take out three of the five hunters aiming for Hiccup.

"Astrid?!" Hiccup called. She ignored him and continued taking out the other hunters.


"It was instinct, Hiccup!" Astrid protested as they continued their flight back to Berk.

"Astrid, that's not the point." Hiccup stated. "You could've gotten hurt."

"But I didn't." She explained, despite the graze on her upper arm.

"But you could have." Hiccup repeated.

"Hiccup, if it was the other way around, you would have done the same for me and you know it!" She halted her dragon in the air, desperately trying to hide her pain as the cramp in her stomach began to grow. Hiccup sighed.

"Astrid... You have to be more careful!" He said, trying to ignore that last statement, unwilling to admit the truth behind it.

"I know..." She sighed, fighting back a tear.

They continued flying for ten more minutes. By this time, the pain in Astrid's stomach was growing more and more intense. She pressed a hand against her stomach, hoping that the pressure would ease some of her discomfort. Nope. She hissed as a sharp pain shot across her abdomen.

"Astrid?" Heather asked as Windshear pulled in next to Stormfly.

"I'm fine." Astrid tried to reassure, though the pained expression on her face and the hand clutching her shirt told a different story.

"No, you're not."

Astrid couldn't hold back her moan as she felt the pain shooting back and forth across her stomach. The pain had become almost unbearable. Her legs were beginning to tremble as they turned numb. Astrid usually had a rather high tolerance for pain, but this was like nothing she had ever experienced. Stormfly came to a stop.

"HICCUP!"  She screamed.

His heart jumped into his throat at the pained scream from behind him. He darted back to Astrid who was clearly in agony.

"Astrid?! What is it?! What's wrong?!" He panicked. She shook her head.

"I don't know!" She rasped out between breaths, clutching her stomach tightly.

Heather jumped from Windshear onto Toothless and took over so Hiccup could mount Stormfly behind Astrid, who was now fighting back a tsunami of tears. He held her in place as she began slipping.

"It's okay. I've got you." He reassured.

They raced towards the nearest sea stack. Astrid slid off Stormfly before Hiccup could dismount the Nadder. The moment she touched the ground her legs gave out. Hiccup caught her as she dropped to the ground. Astrid started to kick off her skirt, relieving some of the pressure.

The other riders all landed and raced to the young couple. Astrid was knelt on the floor, clutching her stomach, rocking back and forth. Hiccup was rubbing her back, not quite sure what to do as her heartbreaking screams echoed for miles.

"Snotlout, go to Berk and get Valka." Heather ordered.

"Shouldn't I get Gothi?" He asked.

"No." She replied bluntly.

Snotlout nodded in understanding and headed straight for Berk. Heather raced to Astrid and threw her arms around the blonde's waist, applying light pressure as she continued to rock back and forth.

"Fishlegs, water!" Heather called.

After a few minutes, Astrid began to calm down. But only a little. Fishlegs rushed over with a canteen of water. Astrid shook her head.

"Thanks, Fishlegs. Just leave it with Hiccup." Heather accepted.

The moment Heather stepped away, Astrid winced in agony as she fell into Hiccup's lap beside her. She curled up to him, sobbing hysterically and hyperventilating.

Ruffnut grabbed Astrid's skirt and walked away, sitting by the edge of the sea stack. Tuffnut joined her, Fishlegs decided to follow, just to keep an eye on the troublesome two. Nobody questioned it as they were too busy focusing on Astrid.

"AH!" Astrid winced. Hiccup began stroking her hair, hating himself. First, for being the cause of her pain. Second, for not being able to help her ease it.

"Shhh... It's okay." He whispered soothingly, though he was screaming in a panic on the inside.

"Hiccup, it hurts!" Astrid gasped, burying her face into his tunic.

"I know baby, I know." He said softly. He tried desperately to hold back his tears.

"Hiccup, please make it stop!" Astrid begged.

Heather knelt beside him and wiped his tears, smiling and nodding in reassurance.

"Astrid, you're gonna be fine. Just breathe." He said. She shook her head.

"I...can't." She gasped.

Fishlegs and the twins returned to the scene.

Ruff placed the skirt on the ground beside them.

"I wanted to help." She explained. Contrary to popular belief, she could actually be a rather caring person. "I loosened the skirt a little, it should be more comfortable now."

Astrid's breathing began to slow back down. Hiccup looked up at the female twin and nodded gratefully.

"Thank you." He mouthed. He soon returned his attention to the blonde in his arms, who was beginning to nod off.

"Hiccup." She sobbed . "I can't do this."

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