Royal pain!

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Requested. Not loving this chapter but here it is.

Running out of ideas guys.
Requests are welcome x

Hope you enjoy :)


"Dad, do I really have to go to this thing?" Hiccup asked as his father walked him to the dock.

"Yes. You do. She's your cousin, and since I'm too busy, that leaves you." Stoick explained.

Let me catch you up. The Haddocks had been invited to Anna and Kristoff's wedding. Stoick being chief, can't just abandon his duties for a month to attend. Which leaves Hiccup to go in his place. Unfortunately, the dragons are to stay behind.

"Don't worry, son. I'm sending Astrid with you." Stoick explained.

"Wait, what?!" Hiccup gasped. He and Astrid. Alone. On a boat. For a week. This could not end well.

Hiccup boarded the ship to find Astrid all ready to go.

The journey there was... not the best. But that's another story. They arrived in Arendelle a week later, and neither had been happier to see solid land.

"So, tell me about these cousins of yours." Astrid said as the ship approached the docks.

"Well, there's Elsa. She's the oldest. She's a little shy at first but she's a great laugh when you get to know her. And Anna. Well, she's crazy but in a good way. She's always happy. Sometimes a little too much."

"And Anna is the one getting married right?" Astrid asked. Hiccup nodded as they finally hopped off the boat.

"Hiccup!" Anna squealed, pulling him into a hug before he even knew she was there.

"Oh, Hey, Anna. You know, I might need to breathe." Hiccup teased, causing her to let him go as Elsa joined behind them.

"Hi, Hiccup." She said softly. "I see you brought a guest." She gestured to the blonde who stood beside him. He grasped her hand tightly. Finally, he could be with Astrid without his friends taunting them about their new relationship.

"Yeah. This is Astrid. Astrid, this is Queen Elsa and Princess Anna of Arendelle." He introduced.

"Am I supposed to bow or something?" She whispered.

"That's not necessary." Elsa chuckled. Suddenly a voice came from behind them.

"Hey guys! What are we doing over here?" Astrid gasped and slowly backed away as she saw...

"Olaf?" Hiccup said in shock.

"Hiccup!" Olaf hugged the auburn-haired dragon rider. "And..."

"Astrid." Hiccup finished. He grabbed Astrid's hand and chuckled as she refused to look away from Olaf.

"He's a snowman?" Astrid stated, causing laughter among the group.


Hiccup and Astrid were getting ready for the wedding ceremony.

"So, they're really your cousins?" Astrid asked from behind the room divider.

"Yup. Their dad was my mom's brother."

"Please don't tell me they're going to announce you as Prince Hiccup?" Astrid teased, chuckling.

"Well, yeah." Hiccup blushed. "My mom was a princess, and my dad is the chief so technically I am a prince. It's just a little more formal here." He explained. He knew that Astrid was holding back her laughter. She failed.

"I'm sorry. That's just too funny." Hiccup rolled his eyes playfully.



"Do you have any idea how this stupid thing works?"

"Hold on... Almost done." Astrid explained. "Why can't I just wear my normal clothes?"

"Because it's a wedding Astrid. A royal wedding. I didn't particularly want to be here either. But the faster it's over, the faster we can get back to Berk." Astrid huffed.

"Safe?" She asked.


Astrid came out from behind the divider to see Hiccup struggling with his bow tie. He was concentrating on it so much that he hadn't noticed Astrid behind him. She couldn't help but chuckle at his hilarious attempt.

When he finally turned around his jaw dropped. Astrid was wearing a long blue dress with snowflake patterns across the middle. Her hair still had the small knotted braid on the side. But instead of leading to a bigger braid, it led to a wavy ponytail over her right shoulder.

"Earth to Hiccup?" She snapped him out of his thoughts. At some point, she had tied his bow tie, though he was too busy drooling over her to realize.


"One word about the dress and I will hurt you!" She cut him off.

"Can I comment on the hair?"

"No!" She replied. He just nodded in response.

"What about the boots?" He asked.

"I'm already wearing a dress, I am NOT wearing heels!"

Hiccup chuckled. She pulled him into a kiss. If only to stop him staring at her.

"So, Prince Hiccup..." she smirked. "Shall we?"

He looped their arms together, loosely, to prepare for his escape.

"We shall..." He paused, getting ready to run. "... Princess Astrid!"

He was down the hall faster than she could blink. She froze on the spot. Oh, gods. She was engaged to a Prince. If the riders ever found out she was gonna become a princess, she would never hear the end of it. Hiccup slowly approached from down the hall, still keeping a safe distance.

"Sorry, did I forget to mention?" He chuckled, but he didn't have much time as Astrid darted towards him, chasing him down the hall.

"You're lucky I love you, Haddock!" Astrid shouted down the corridor. Hiccup stopped in his tracks and spun around, much to Astrid's surprise.

"Hey!" He furrowed his brow. "That's Prince Haddock!" He joked.

He managed to make it through the wedding with all his remaining limbs still attached, and by the end of the night, he had completed forgotten that Astrid was after him.

Back on the boat.


"Ow! What was that for?!" Hiccup yelped.

"Never call me a princess!"

He so desperately wanted to say it again. But since they were somewhere off the coast of Norway, Hiccup didn't fancy swimming home.
He pulled Astrid close and kissed her, softly.

He couldn't help it. He just had to.

"Yes, Your Highness."

She chased him for a few minutes before tackling him to the ground.

"Okay. Okay. You win!" Hiccup rasped out. Astrid chuckled.

"Princesses prerogative." She chuckled as he raised an eyebrow at her. "Okay, maybe I like it a little." She admitted. "But if you dare tell anyone, Sir Hiccup. I will have your head."

They both chuckled.

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