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This chapter continues on from Code Red Part 2. So if you haven't read Code Red, I suggest reading those first.
Thank you for the request MariaClaraDamaso

Set after HTTYD 2 but on Dragon's Edge.

Requests are welcome x
Hope you enjoy :)


It had been three weeks since Astrid had told Hiccup she was pregnant. Making her almost three months. He, of course, was over the moon and couldn't wait to start telling everyone. However, Astrid was having trouble coming to terms with it and was finding it harder and harder to cope with each passing day. Heather had been helping the couple conceal their secret until they were ready to share the news, though Astrid's symptoms weren't making it easy.

Hiccup and Astrid entered the clubhouse for breakfast. Hiccup's arm draped across Astrid's shoulder, her arm clutching her stomach. Snotlout jumped up and backed into a corner, covering his mouth.

"Snotlout, will you quit it? She's not contagious!" Hiccup scowled at him. Snotlout refused to go anywhere near her lately. Which she was okay with. He was so afraid of catching, whatever it was that was making her sick. Astrid couldn't help but find it funny.

"I'm not taking any chances!" Snotlout explained. Astrid, Heather, and Hiccup all rolled their eyes and chuckled.

Heather continued serving breakfast. Hiccup grabbed a bowl of yak jerky for Astrid, who began shoveling it down the second the plate was in front of her. Fishlegs was getting rather suspicious. Mutton chops were Astrid's favorite. He was starting to catch on to her cravings.

"Astrid..." Fishlegs paused, hesitant to ask the question currently on his mind. But, he couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Yeah?" She raised her eyebrow curiously at the blonde boy, who was humming nervously.

"You're not sick, are you?"

Astrid and Hiccup both looked towards each other and then continued to eat their breakfast.

"I knew it!" Fishlegs stated. Astrid's head flew up to meet Fishlegs' gaze.

"What are you talking about?" She secretly prayed he hadn't figured it out. She didn't know if she could handle all the congratulatory hugs today.

"You have been sick on and off for weeks and practically clinging to Hiccup's side, Hiccup has been even more protective of you than usual, and you have been living off of yak jerky for three days now. It doesn't take a genius, Astrid." He explained.

Astrid sighed and nodded. Fishlegs squealed.

Ruffnut suddenly perked up.

"Oh, My Thor." She looked towards her brother on her right. "Don't you get it?"

"What?" Tuff asked. Ruff turned to Snotlout on her left.

"Don't you get it?" She asked him.

"WHAT?" Tuff moaned, getting rather impatient. Snotlout was still huddled in the corner.

"Snotlout, you can't catch it. She's pregnant!" Fishlegs explained.

"Oh," Snotlout finally removed his hand from his mouth. "You're right. I can't catch that... Wait, What?!" He gasped. Astrid and Hiccup looked toward one another, desperately trying to hide their smiles. They failed.

The riders all cheered and raced to the young couple to congratulate them. Astrid flew out of her seat and her arms wrapped around her stomach. Hiccup instinctively jumped out of his seat and stood in front of Astrid, wrapping his arms around her protectively, holding her close. Their friends halted and approached gently, to avoid the wrath of Hiccup. They weren't exactly the lightest of Vikings, if they all raced to hug them at once, someone was bound to get hurt.


The next morning Astrid woke early, feeling strangely energized. She tiptoed out of Hiccup's hut and raced to the stables. She hadn't felt this good in a while and she was planning on taking full advantage of that fact. She darted to Stormfly's cage. The Nadder seemed even more excited than her rider. Hiccup hadn't been allowing Astrid to go for her early morning flights alone and both Astrid and Stormfly were in serious need of some girl time.

They flew around for twenty minutes before landing on the cliff overlooking Dragon's Edge. It wasn't long before Hiccup landed Toothless behind her.

"Astrid... I thought we agreed, no solo flying." Hiccup reminded.

"No, you agreed." Astrid corrected, draping her arms over her stomach as Hiccup sat by her side. "I just needed a minute to myself."

"Are you okay?!" He panicked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm fine, Hiccup. I'm just thinking." She brushed his hand off. "It might be time to tell everyone. Back on Berk, I mean."

"What's brought this on?" Hiccup was more than happy to tell everyone, in fact, he couldn't wait. But, Astrid had been against telling everyone until she had processed it all.

"I just... I don't think I'm gonna be able to hide it much longer." She moved her arms to reveal a small bump. Hiccup's face lit up. He placed a gentle hand on her stomach and fought back an army of tears. Astrid looked away, fighting back tears of her own, though these were tears of a different kind.

"Hey..." Hiccup turned her back to face him, he could see the tears forming in her eyes and knew exactly why they were there. "Don't you dare." Astrid looked at him confused for a moment. He smiled and swept the bangs from her face. He kissed her softly on the lips before placing his hand back on her bump. "Astrid, you have never looked more beautiful."

Astrid sniffled but smiled at him. He knew that Astrid was very self-conscious, despite being the most beautiful woman in the entire archipelago. She took pride in her body, which is why her daily workouts were so important to her, and her sudden weight gain was sending her into an emotional overload. She nodded gently.

"I'll gather the other riders and we'll head back to Berk. Okay?" He said. "You sure you're up for a long flight?" He added. She had been cutting their flights rather short lately. The motion usually made her nauseous or she was in too much pain to even mount her dragon. She nodded once again.


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