You're... (Code Red part 2)

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Astrid froze. No. It can't be. Can it? But the more she thought about it, the more it all seemed to fall into place. She shook her head, a single tear slipping down her cheek. Heather wiped the tear away and took Astrid's hand. The blonde squeezed it tight.

"Astrid... you're pregnant." Astrid shook her head, sobbing.

"I can't... Not now."

Heather held her tight. All Astrid could do was panic. Hiccup had just lost his father, and was so busy with running the village and the academy and the riders. Astrid sniffled. How was she supposed to tell Hiccup?


"Hey, how is she doing?" Fishlegs asked as Heather walked into the clubhouse. She didn't respond. Instead she took his hand and lead him out of the room. "Heather?"

"She's fine." Heather finally said when she was sure the others couldn't hear. "I think I know what's wrong. But I'm gonna take her to see Gothi, just to be sure."

"And she agreed?" He asked. Astrid wouldn't go and see Gothi if her arm was hanging off.

"She doesn't know. She wants to see Valka."


"If Hiccup asks, we've just gone for a flight."


"I promise I'll explain everything when I get back. But, I have to go." She quickly kissed his cheek before rushing off.


The girls made it to Berk with no trouble. Valka had seen the dragons approaching and rushed over.

"What are you girls doing back so soon?" She asked as Stormfly and Windshear landed. She noticed the vacant expression on Astrid's face along with her pale tone. "You okay, Dear?"

Astrid slid off her dragon and as her feet hit the ground, the flight suddenly caught up with her. She spun around and began heaving into a bush. Heather and Valka rushed to her side. Heather moved her hair while Valka rubbed circles on her back.

"Where's Gothi?" Heather asked.

"In her hut." Valka explained. Heather quickly raced to find her. Astrid was finally done and Valka handed her a cloth to clean up. "I think we need to talk, Lass." Astrid nodded, following Valka to her hut.


"Astrid, is there something you need to tell me?" Valka asked as she handed a cup of water to Astrid, who was now sat on a chair by the fire. Astrid looked up at her, her eyes watering and full of fear. Valka could already see what Astrid wasn't telling her.

"I-I don't know." She stuttered, sniffling. Valka could see that she had allowed a few tears to fall and immediately caught the blonde in a hug. She and Astrid had bonded a lot over the past few months. Astrid often forgot that Valka was Hiccup's mother and viewed her as a friend instead.

"How long have you been sick?"

"Just last night. I started getting light cramps about a week ago. But last night..."

"It got worse?" Astrid nodded. "How do you feel now, Dear?"

"Fine." She shrugged. "Stomach hurts a little, but fine."

At that moment Valka was almost certain. Heather and Gothi entered. Gothi began to shoo Valka and Heather out of the hut.

"It's fine, Gothi. They can stay." Astrid told her. Gothi nodded. She began scribbling on a piece of parchment, Valka translated. Heather began explaining the events of the morning as Gothi began examining the blonde, lifting Astrid's shirt. Astrid wasn't happy about it, but she needed answers , so she didn't fight it.

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