The cuteness of Hiccstrid

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Thank you HTTYDwriter22 for the request. Some major cuteness coming up!

Requests are welcome x
Hope you enjoy :)


"Hiccup? Are you okay?" Heather asked as the future chief entered the clubhouse. His arms folded, huffing with a furrowed brow. He slumped down in the corner of the room.

"Astrid's stealing from me again!" He explained.

"What?!" Fishlegs gasped. Astrid entered the clubhouse wearing one of Hiccup's red tunics over her own outfit. She walked towards Hiccup.

"See! Stealing!" He gestured. Heather giggled. "First my heart, now my shirt." He continued. "What's next? My last name?"

"Aww..." Heather and Fishlegs cried.


Did he expect anything less? After the initial pain of the punch wore off, he chuckled.

"I was kidding!"

"Awww, but Astrid Haddock..." Heather couldn't finish her sentence. It was too cute. She pouted her bottom lip, playfully.

Hiccup grabbed Astrid as she lunged towards the raven-haired rider. He pulled Astrid into his lap and held her tightly, stroking her hair to calm her down.

"" He said in a sing song voice. "Lay your head down, you little nut job. Wake up when you're normal!" He sang soothingly, chuckling in the process.

Astrid grabbed his arm, twisting it to free herself. She remained in his lap. The second he recovered, he began tickling her mercilessly to the ground.

"Hiccup!" Astrid rasped out between giggling and gasping for air.

The riders all watched in shock. The fearless Astrid Hofferson was ticklish?

"SO NOT FAIR HADDOCK!" She chuckled, rolling on the floor, desperately trying to roll away.

The riders all laughed at the scene they were witnessing.

As Astrid laid there, with Hiccup straddling her hips, pinning her arms to the ground beside her head, she couldn't help getting lost in her boyfriend's gorgeous forest green eyes that were hovering just a few inches above her own.
Before she knew it, Hiccup had pulled her into a kiss. It started so gently, but escalated quickly.

This was definitely their most passionate kiss yet.

Astrid remained speechless as she fell deeper and deeper into the bliss, she wasn't used to putting herself in such a vulnerable position, but in this moment she couldn't think about anything other than her perfect boyfriend, whose lips were now glued to her own. She had never felt this way before, her heart was glowing and racing in her chest, and all she knew was that she loved this feeling, and a part of her just wished that they could stay like that forever.

*Cough Cough*

But alas, this wasn't a perfect world.

They slowly broke the kiss, giggling against each other's lips.

"Do we have to separate you two?" Heather teased.

Hiccup finally stood up, practically gasping for air, allowing Astrid to do the same, offering her a hand up. Both still giggling, after realizing they had forgotten they weren't alone.

"Yeah, seriously guys..." Fishlegs agreed. "...Get a room!" The dragons decided to gurgle in agreement.

The couple blushed as they gently wiped their bottom lip, unable to contain their giggles.


The couple settled back down. Astrid was sitting in Hiccup's lap. She tucked her knees to her chest and pulled the shirt she 'borrowed' from Hiccup over her knees.

"You better not stretch it out." Hiccup chuckled.

Astrid raised her eyebrows.

"Stretch it? Hiccup you could fit both of us in here." She blushed and looked towards ground, realizing what she just said. Hiccup did the same.

"I don't think so, Milady. It's not that big on you."

She looked at him with a smirk. Oh no. Did he just challenge her? Astrid could never resist a challenge, no matter who was watching.

Before he knew it she threw the shirt over Hiccups head, hiding them both beneath.

Their eyes met once again. Blue locked onto green. Hiccup could have sworn he saw her eyes sparkle.

He kissed her softly.

"You're so cute." He giggled.

"Sh-Shut up." She stuttered. She rolled her eyes, lifting the shirt off of him, noticing the riders all staring.

"Umm, I think I preferred it when I didn't know they were looking." Hiccup joked.

Astrid lifted the edge of the shirt again, looking at him with question in her eyes. She, of course was joking and was surprised when he tucked his head back under the fabric and kissed her soundly, receiving a small surprised squeak from Astrid's lips.

"Seriously guys?! Do you have to?!" Snotlout scowled. Both Astrid and Hiccup raised their arm out to the side, giving him a thumbs up before returning to their original positions. Astrid's arms on Hiccups shoulders, his on her waist.

"Way to go, Hiccstrid!!!" Heather cheered, clapping them on. Only then did they finally break apart. Hiccup groaned in protest but soon enjoyed just cuddling his, now flustered, girlfriend.


I just had to. I'm sorry. This was too cute.

 This was too cute

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