Overprotective much? Part 2

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Please ignore the new dragons name. It was the first thing I could think of. 😂
Requests are welcome x
Hope you enjoy :)


"Hiccup, will you please say something?"

It had been twenty minutes since he had been told that his daughter, his only daughter, had a boyfriend. He had spent the first ten minutes completely paralyzed and had been pacing ever since, speechless.

"Astrid, she can't have a..." He couldn't even say the word.


"No. Astrid, she can't!" His arms flying around dramatically. Astrid stood in his way, grabbing him by the shoulders and leading him to Stoick's chair, and sitting him down.

"Hiccup, she's fifteen. She's not a little girl anymore. She can take care of herself."

Hiccup sighed. He knew that Astrid was right, as always. But, his instinct was to protect his daughter. Not all Viking men were gentlemen, in fact, they were an extremely rare species and he refused to watch his daughter get her heartbroken. He couldn't bare to see that happen to his little girl. Sorry, big girl.

"I just don't want to see her get hurt, Astrid." He sighed.

"I know." She agreed. "But I think she really likes this boy. So, she's inviting him over for dinner tomorrow night." Astrid explained. "Just promise me you will give him a chance."


The following day Zephyr went to the cove to meet her boyfriend as planned. It was similar to the cove back on old Berk where Hiccup trained Toothless. She landed by the water to be greeted by a young man. He wasn't large, in fact, he had a very similar stature to Hiccup at the age of nineteen, except he had all his limbs still in tact. He had black hair and deep blue eyes. He wore a deep red tunic with black armor, which matched Zephyrs outfit perfectly.

"Good afternoon, Milady." The young man bowed dramatically. Zephyr giggled. She always found the gesture rather strange when it was used by her parents. But, she was starting to see why her mother loved it so much. She jumped into his arms. "So, ready for a flight?"

"Actually, there's been a change of plan."


The young couple arrived back at the Haddock house, to find Astrid serving up dinner, while Hiccup was sat shaking his leg, with his arms folded in an attempt to look mildly intimidating.

"Mom, dad..." Zephyr caught their attention. "This is Caspian." Astrid smiled at the young man, while Hiccup just glared. Astrid elbowed him.

"Nice to meet you." Astrid greeted.

"You too." The young man nodded.

Zephyr received a nudge from her boyfriend's dragon, an orange Sand Wraith. "And this is Aslan."

Toothless and Stormfly sauntered over to greet the new dragon.

"Hey, Cas. How've you been?" Nuffink asked as he got back from his flight with Pouncer.

"Same thing, new day." Caspian explained as he embraced Nuff in a brotherly hug.

"Scooby, mind helping your mother?" Hiccup asked his daughter.

"Dad...!" Zephyr looked away embarrassed at her father's nickname.

"I think it's sweet." Caspian teased before receiving a punch on the arm from his girlfriend. A gesture that was all too familiar to her parents. Astrid grabbed Hiccup's arm in preparation. Caspian cleared his throat to correct himself. "I mean... totally hardcore." He tried desperately not to smile. Zephyr pulled him into a quick kiss. Astrid's grip on Hiccup's wrist tightened as she felt his muscles tense. After he calmed down, Astrid got back to serving dinner. Zephyr headed over to help. "Here, allow me." Caspian volunteered.

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