Doyoung x Aera; Dora

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*Love hate relationship

*fights Taeyong all the time because he's spoiling her

*she wants to be around him all the time

*he loves to hear her talk

*tells her to shut the fuck up because she's annoying

*gets mad when she actually stops

*she always excited whenever he's singing

*you know how he literally adopted jeno and jaemin

*yeah same goes with aera

*he just enjoys annoying her

*he's ready to kill anyone who actually thinks about annoying her

*once fought with her manager for overworking her

*once almost fought with a sasaeng for pushing her but their manager stopped him

*once answered one of her sasaeng calls and actually turned their life into hell


*no dating until she's 100

*she doesn't listen to him at all

*used to visit her almost everyday when she was filming for 'School 2017'

*always trying to stop her and haechan from fighting

*gives up and wishes for them to kill each other

*has her contact name as 'Annoying girl' 

*has his as 'Bunny'

*asked her to change it but she never did

*told him that she changed it tho

*Dora are amazing

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