Jaehyun x Aera; JaeRa

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*Aera is probably planned their wedding

*named their kids too

*she has the biggest crush on Jaehyun 

*he sees her as a little sister 

*he's so scared that something bad would happen to her 

*wants to protect her 24/7

*Jaehyun always wanted to be a teen dad and he almost sees Aera as his daughter

*doesn't like when boys look at her in a bad way 

*he's a guy himself and he knows how boys think so he's afraid that someone would hurt her some how

*tries to spoil her 24/7 

*she takes his clothes 24/7

*he's complaining 24/7

*lowkey enjoying it tho 

*likes when her attention is on him 

*he doesn't even know that she likes him 

*he's jealous whenever she asks the other boys for advises because he wants to help her too

*doesn't know that she's just nervous around him 

*once saw a group of trainees trying to flirt with her and almost fought the poor guys 

*'Who messed with my daughter?' 

*let her sleep in his bed 20

*has his contact name as 'Jeffery' 

*has her contact name as 'Alexandra'

*she's always asking him if he wants 'some milk'

*will probably kill her one day if she doesn't shut up about it 

*JaeRa are amazing

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