Trouble in Paradise; P2

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The tension was as sharp as a knife, and the whole room was either looking at Aera pitifully which she hated so much, or at Yuta hatefully which he hated so much too. They still don't understand why he kissed her, after all he never told anyone that he had romantic feelings for the girl, it was always all jokes, nothing more. Aera wasn't trying to overreact too, but she wasn't already in the best mood for the past few days and Yuta for the first time ever made it worst for her. She was with 127 again, helping them with the 'Regular' choreography, but no one was in the mood to practice. 

After Ten ran after the girl and held her crying form, and although she wasn't even crying about Yuta, he still went up to the rest of the boys and told him about what he did and Yuta wasn't really surprised. He was expecting this to happen. He expected Ten to tell everyone and it wan't like he was scared of them, but more of scared that his guilt would only grow the more they treated him like this. He slowly got up from his place, walking over to the girl hesitatingly. 

"Alexandra-" He started, causing the girl to look up at him from her place on the floor beside Haechan. 

"Yuta." Taeyong cut him off, warningly. "Can you come with me please." He got out of the room, knowing that Yuta would follow him whether he liked it or not. Yuta turned to look at the girl,  once again, only to see her eyes fixed on her lap, not wanting to look at him. He sighed and walked after Taeyong out of the room. The two stood out of the room, Taeyong had his arms crossed, staring at Yuta in front of him.

"Aren't you going to speak?" Yuta asked after awhile of just staring at each other. 

"I just want a good explanation for what happened yesterday. If there's any." Taeyong started. 

"It just happened, Taeyong." Yuta didn't look him in the eye, knowing that he fucked up and that he doesn't have any good reasons for what he did, other than the fact that he liked the girl.

"Those stuff don't just happen, Yuta. You noticed that she wasn't feeling well yesterday and she clearly didn't want to tell us why, so you kissed her? Why? And don't start with the I like her shit, you were fucking two different girls last week." 

"This doesn't mean anything, have you ever heard of one night stands?" 

"This is not what I mean Yuta, god." Taeyong groaned, walking away from the guy for a second before standing back in front of him. "She's young, Yuta. She's still 18 and-"

"Wow, don't start with the age shit, she's officially 19 in a month and by the end of the year she's going to be in her 20's so don't start this shit with me. Plus I always showed fondness for her, so it shouldn't be a surprise to any of you." 

"It should be for her, because she never saw you like that. She never expected that, she should be surprised. Yuta, its either you talk to her and fix this or just stay away from her until you're sure if she likes you back or not." Taeyong didn't leave a chance for Yuta to continue, before entering the room again, leaving the guy on his own. 

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