Winwin x Aera; AeCheng

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*best friends for life

*they enjoy being alone 

*they hate the members

*they are always trying to stay away from the others 

*the members once couldn't find the two off them anywhere 

*they ended up being in their manager's car

*promised each other to always hate the members together

 *they are secretly judging Yuta and Taeil 24/7

*not really secretly 

*they weren't close before but fell in love in less than 10 minutes

*they enjoy dancing together all the time

*winwin always looks for her whenever they all hang out together

*becomes really sulky if she's not with them

*she understands him the most 

*she can cheer him up all the time

*the two secretly baby each other when the others are not around

*judge the others for babying them 

*they're always asking the other members to buy them stuff

*whenever winwin asks the boys to buy him something he always asks them to buy the same thing for Aera too if she's not around 

*she does the same whenever she gets the boys to buy her something 

*has his contact name as 'Si Cheng'

*has her contact name as 'Aera'

*calls him si cheng all the time, and it makes him really happy

*AeCheng are great 

24th member; of NCTWhere stories live. Discover now