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"So remember how I said that I still didn't give you all of your gifts?" Yuta looked at Aera in the backseat, causing her to nod.

"We're on our way to get your second gift." 

"Which is?" Aera asked, but Yuta chose to ignore her this time. Last night ended wonderful for her, after her and Yunho went back to the others, they acted normal, not wanting the others to know about their relationship yet. Although one member was looking at them teasingly the whole night, but they were too drunk to even notice. 

"What are you planning to give her?" Taeyong asked from beside Yuta, as he decided to tag along with both of them, and although Yuta didn't want Taeyong to come with them, scared that the older might hate Yuta's gift for the girl. 

"Actually its something that I'm not gonna personally give her, but just wait both of you." Aera rolled her eyes and decided to check her phone, furrowing her eyebrows as she saw the first message. 


So last night huh? ;)


My birthday party? 


Well yes! Care to explain what happened when you went to the toilet? ;) 


Dude that's creepy. What the hell?


I mean after Yunho guy followed you, Alexandra

Aera let out a gasp, causing Taeyong to turn to look at her, but she quickly shook her head. "Are you okay?" 

"Yes, Yes. Ignore me." She tried to smile, but quickly looked down at her phone as Taeyong turned around


I'll kill you if you tell anyone.

What did you see? 


Enough to know that our little girl isn't single anymore.

Also enough to ruin this guy's life.


Jaehyun, nO

Leave him alone okay? Its none of your business, I'm old enough now.


"We're here." Aera ignored her phone, as soon as Yuta parked the car in front of a shop.

"Where are- Yuta no!" Taeyong butted in as soon as he noticed where Yuta took them.

"What do you me- Yuta, no way." Aera exclaimed, nearly jumping out of the car. "Are you for real?" Yuta nodded, ignoring Taeyong. 

"I'm gifting you your first tattoo." 

"She's not getting a tattoo."

"Yes, I am." Aera glared at Taeyong, who again shook his head. 

"She's old enough to get tattoos." Yuta got out of the car first, opening Aera's door, letting her get out as she happily hugged him. Taeyong followed them. 

"Yuta serious-"

"Taeyong, Relax. She's 20 now, She can get a tattoo." 

"Please, Tae. You know how much I wanted to get one. You promised to get my first tattoo with me too, which means you two are gonna get tattooed too." Yuta exclaimed, linking his arms with the girl, already making his way inside the shop with her. Taeyong sighed, following them, knowing how much the girl always wanted to get a tattoo. 

"What are you planning to get?" He asked as soon as he reached her an Yuta, causing her to smile widely at him. She linked her free arm with his, and thought for a second.

"I'm planning to get a carnation." 

"A what?" Yuta asked confused.

"Its her flower sign." Taeyong answered, already heard enough of the girl talking about how much she wanted to get this tattoo. 

"Her what?" Yuta again, looked at them confused. 

"You don't listen to me enough. I'm a Sagittarius, my flower sign is carnations." 

"Whatever you desire." He chuckled, before turning to talk to the guy sitting by the front desk. 

"What are you planning to get?" Aera asked, turning to look at Taeyong. The guy thought for a second, before answering 


24th member; of NCTWhere stories live. Discover now