Game Over

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"See I told you she's dating that dude." Jaemin rolled his eyes, jumping on Jeno's bed. 

"And where's the issue in that Jaemin? Are you seriously that childish? Its not her fault you never confessed." Jeno started his game, giving his back to Jaemin but he knew that the boy behind him was about to throw a tantrum.

"Confess? Who said anything about confessing? Don't be dumb Jeno!" 

"So you mean to tell me that you're acting this jealous, and you don't like her?" Jaemin didn't say anything for a second thinking of something to say however Jeno wasn't done. "Listen, I knew that you liked her even before you kiss last year, but I thought you'd man up and actually tell her, but you didn't. You j-"

"The next day I panicked, and when I talked to her she didn't- She didn't act like- I don't know? Into me?" Jaemin was now stuttering. Jeno sighed, pausing his game, before turning to look at Jaemin. 

"Have you talked to her about how you feel? Have you tried to explain to her why you kissed her?" Jaemin once again was silent. "Jaem, has Aera should you any signs that she's not okay with you kissing her last year?" Jaemin thought for a second, remembering everything that happened the next day.

"What was that yesterday?" Jaemin tried to look at the girl confused, innocently smiling at her. "Jaemin." Aera sighed, causing the guy to drop his smile.

"I don't know, I mean- New year, fireworks, countdowns, kisses. I- I'm sorry."

"I didn't ask you to apologize." Aera turned to look back at the ceiling, but quickly glanced at the room full of boys, making sure that non of them was paying attention to her and Jaemin.

"But, I'm just like Yuta. I-"

"Surprisingly, I'm not mad at you. I was mad at Yuta, but not you. That's why I'm telling you not to apologize. I don't even know why I'm being this honest with you." Aera chuckled, turning to look at Jaemin for a second, before turning away once again.

"I- So, we're good?" Jaemin wasn't sure if he should be okay with her reaction or scared.

"We're good. Just don't do it again. At least tell me before you do it." The two paused for a moment, both of them surprised over what Aera said.

"So I can kiss you again?" Jaemin finally asked.

"Well, do you want to?"

"I won't have asked if I didn't want to." The two fell into another pause, before Aera sighed, nodding her head slowly, turning to look at Jaemin.

"Make sure to just tell me before you do it." Jaemin couldn't help but smile, causing the girl to smile back at him.

Jaemin shook his head slowly at Jeno. "So she was okay with you kissing her?" Jaemin silently nodded, and Jeno have never seen his best friend that silent. "Both of you were on good terms after it too? You were almost hanging out everyday, right?" Jaemin once again nodded, before letting out another sigh.

"Okay fine, maybe Aera didn't show any signs that she wasn't happy with the kiss, and maybe we did flirt every now and then, and maybe-"

"And maybe she liked you too before Yunho appeared in the picture and actually stole her away from you." 

"Fuck you." Jaemin groaned, only then realizing how much he messed up. If only he decided to man up before Yunho. "What do I do now?" 

"I don't know, maybe say sorry to her first, because you had no right to do what you did. You put her in trouble, because you were jealous." Jeno turned back to his computer, starting the game once again. "And then, just let her be. Who knows, maybe her and Yunho won't even last long." 

"And if they lasted long?" 

"Then its game over for you! Its not for me though, I just won this round." Jeno excitedly took off his headsets, as he won the game, turning to Jaemin once again, who still had the same frown on his face. "Call her dude! She's your friend after all, you don't want to lose her."

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