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It was just another one of those nights where Taeyong decided to join Aera at her practice room after finishing filming their new music video. He was sitting silently on the couch by the corner of the room watching the girl as she went over her dance more than once. "Don't you want to eat anything?" The girl didn't answer him, too focused on the music. Taeyong repeated the question once again, but the girl payed no attention. Taeyong frustratedly, turned off the music, finally causing her to turn her attention to him.

"Why did you do that?" She asked. Taeyong was sure of the fact that the girl was stressed and worried, about that fact that her debut was only a month or so, after all she wasn't used to the attention being only on her and debuting as a soloist was a lot of pressure, not only that but the fact that she was going to debut as the second official SM soloist, but still under NCT who was a full boy group.

"You should eat." He said. "Did you even have breakfast? Come on, you're debuting in a few weeks, you should take care of your health. You're doing the complete opposite." The guy got up from his place preparing her stuff to leave the room.


"This wasn't even a question." Taeyong put her jacket on her, pulling her hand already out of the room. Taeyong took her out of the company already making their way to some place so they can eat. He didn't really care if paparazzi took photos or anything after all SM was planning to post about her debuting soon. "The dance looks perfect." Taeyong assured her without even her asking, already knowing the pressure and the worry she has.

"I know I'm worrying way too much."

"Its normal, I felt the same way before my debut, Jaehyun did, Yuta did, everyone did. Its completely normal to be worried and to be scared. We're with you though. Maybe not on stage, but we'll be waiting for you backstage, ready to watch you rock the stage." Aera smiled softly, nodding her head at Taeyong, who returned her smile.

"Do you think people will like me?"

"From what I can remember, you were one of the most famous people on SM rookies, plus people really liked you when you were about to debut with Red velvet and you got a lot of support so I'm more of sure that people will like you, plus you have a lot of talent and if people can't see that then they're blind." Taeyong never failed to make the younger girl smile whenever he opened his mouth. He knew what to say and when to say it all the time. That was one of the many reasons Aera loved him and was sure that him and the boys were going to support her no matter what. 

"Why did you guys agree on the fact that I was being added to the group?" She asked and Taeyong smirked at her, bumping into her softly.

"We were forced to."

"You spend way too much time with Haechan, don't you?" Taeyong laughed, loving the relationship between the two 00 liners. "I'm serious, TY track."

"Look who's spending more time with Haechan now." The two laughed. "I'm not really sure, maybe because we all like you and know you already so we never saw a problem with you joining us, actually its nice that you're someone we know and comfortable with already."

"You all love me so much." Aera joked, sprinting away from Taeyong before he could do anything, but he laughed rushing to her quickly, flicking her forehead, causing her to groan. "I'm going to have a headache for the rest of the day."

"Maybe then you'll shut up then."

24th member; of NCTWhere stories live. Discover now