"I'm lucky to have you." ;P2

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Aera x [Johnny+Yuta]


Johnny didn't know for how long he was going to be a trainee. He watched other people debut, he watched other people's dreams come true, but when was his dream going to come true? For how was he going to wait. He thought about leaving. He was going to give up now, maybe this wasn't his place, maybe he wasn't talented enough for this. He's only making fun of himself now. He'd never do it, he'd never ever watch his dream come true. Giving up is definitely the answer, and no one can change his mind. Not anymore. He ignored Taeyong and Jaehyun who were running around him in the house trying to take his stuff that he kept putting inside his bag, already planning to book a flight back to Chicago.


"No, don't. Stop, will you? This is not my place anymore, this is not want I want to do anymore."

"Johnny, just-" Taeyong was pushed away, as Johnny stormed out of the room, grabbing his bag with him, making his way back to the company, on his way to end it all. The other boys didn't know what to do, trying their best to run after him, but it was useless.

"Hey, John-" Aera was completely ignored as Johny stormed inside the company, walking by her. "Where are you going?" Aera unknowingly followed him, but it felt as if he couldn't see her, or hear her.

"Johnny?" Aera worriedly, held his wrist, trying to stop him, but he only pushed her away, walking to the elevator. Aera looked behind her and saw Taeyong and Jaehyun rushing to them.

"Aera, don't let him go." Taeyong warned, causing Aera to run after Johnny once again, entering the elevator as it almost closed.

"Aera, don't talk." Johnny warned her, and she looked up at him scared.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything is wrong, Aera. Everything." The girl's eye widened as Johnny punched the wall, causing the elevator to start making weird noises, before the lights turned off. "Oh just perfect."

"Did you really just break down the elevator?" Aera looked at the guy, panicked, causing him to groan. "What happened for all of this?" She asked once again. Johnny sighed, pressing the call button, sliding down the wall.

"Help, we're stuck in the elevator." He mumbled, letting out another breathe as he heard the people on the other line assuring them to not worry and that they'll help them. "My life is a big joke isn't it?" Aera turned her attention to look at Johnny, sitting down beside him.

"You're a big person, but that doesn't mean that your life is a big joke." Aera tried to light up the mood, but it felt as if Johnny wasn't even planning to put a smile on his face. "Why are you like this?" She asked once again, trying to look at his face.

"Am I ever going to debut?"

"Of co-"

"Am I even talented? I have been here for 8 years now, when am I going to debut? Let me answer that for you-" Johnny let out a dry chuckle, looking at the girl beside him. "Never. I'm not going to debut, ever, because I'm not enough."

"Why do you think they you're still here? Why do you think they didn't kick you out then? Why would they just waste their money and energy on you? Because they see something in you, they believe in you and maybe its taking them too long because they're preparing something better for you. Gosh you have the audacity to give up? After 8 years? Are you dumb? You know what? Leave then, leave and ruin everything for yourself, Johnny. What are you planning to do when you leave? Sit home all the time, watching movies while your mother brings you food and take care of your ass? Leave then, leave and don't ever come back." Johnny sighed, trying not to let the tears he was keeping for awhile fall, not to break in front of the girl. "I've always up to you and you're letting me down. I'm ashamed of myself now that I even admired you before and wanted to be like you once. You're really going to leave me behind huh? Me, Mark, Hae-"

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