Aera & The members; 2017

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Aera x Taeyong

I guess everyone knows already where this is going. Aera was in the company before Taeyong himself, but when he joined SM a few months after her, he was seriously thinking about adopting her as his. He used to bring her snacks when they used to be trainees together, or drinks, watching her as she learned that new dance and when she wasn't able to debut with Red velvet, he was the first person she went to crying for hours, while he just silently gave her a shoulder to lean on. He made sure that she was taking her medicines and used to call her everyday and call her mother every Friday to ask about her and to make sure that she wasn't lying to him about her conditions. He was really surprised when SM decided to add her to the group and he thought that she was just meant to be around him more so he can take care of her all the time, and now he was seriously just preparing the adopting papers.

Aera x Taeil

I don't want to say the weirdest relationship among the whole group, but its definitely the weirdest relationship. Aera just finds Taeil so funny and so entertaining to be around, that she's ready to give up any friendship, but theirs. Taeil is always clinging to her, just like how he is with Winwin and its not like the girl was complaining. She did complain sometimes, but she enjoyed his company so much and even though they were never close as trainees, he still made sure to make up for all the lost time and just be with her any chance he got, that even the members got jealous sometimes. He didn't really know anything about her when he first knew that she was going to be added to the group, and he was unsettled when he found out about it, but now he's really happy about the fact that she's a part of the group.

Aera x Johnny

Every body talks about how Johnny and Mark are the exact definition of siblings, then Johnny and Aera are the ones who created the term 'Siblings'. The two are literally complaining about everything the other person is doing, laughing when they are able to make the other frustrated, but literally ready to give their all to each other and I mean it, they're ready to do anything for each other. Johnny was the only one who actually knew exactly how she felt when she didn't debut with Red velvet, remembering what happened to him with EXO, so he was the best one at comforting her and getting her out of her depression phase, going as far as visiting her house and staying with her for hours, until she's feeling better. When SM decided to add her to the group, Johnny was actually just happy that she was going to debut, with NCT or not, he was just excited that she was finally getting to debut.

Aera x Yuta

Again I'm sure everyone knows how this is going. Yuta doesn't even remember her when they were trainees, and no matter how many times Taeyong talked to him about her, he just totally doesn't remember her, but he remembers the day SM brought her to them, to introduce her to them. Yuta just shamelessly flirted with her the whole time, ignoring the boys complaining about how he was and even after Taeyong had a serious talk with him, he just ignored him, and continued his journey with flirting with her. He hasn't stopped ever since, in fact his flirting just became stronger if that was even possible. He'd just randomly kiss her cheeks, when she's eating, or when she's doing some dancing, he'd randomly stop the music and running over to her, kissing her forehead. He gets offended when any other member is close to her or trying to flirt with her. He claimed her as his a long time ago, and she just got used to him being affectionate with her all the time.

Aera x Doyoung

She was scared of him around the first few times they saw each other when they were trainees, but when time when she fell while dancing, which causing her to break her nose and he was the first one to take her and rush to the hospital to get her checked, she just fell in love with him and Doyoung remembers how she just continued talking to him openly as they made they way back to the company with her now broken nose, he remembers how he thought she was weird since literally a few hours ago, she didn't even say good morning to him and now she was just randomly explaining to him how one time when she was 8, she almost got lost, because she followed this stranger who had purple pants and she loved purple and he didn't know if she could get any weirder, but he did get used to her being around him and being this weird all the time and he wasn't even near complaining anymore.

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