Chapter 40

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*A few weeks later*
Life went back to normal, I went back to school, been studying, playing piano and writing songs, had breakfast at Tony's house, been hanging out with Steve a lot and I've been able to sleep in my own room again. I was making my homework in the living room when Steve sat down next to me. "Hey beautiful." He said softly and I looked up at him. "Hey there, handsome." I said as we both smiled. "So I was wondering." He said as he took the my history book out of my hands. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" He said as he held my hand and I smiled widely. "I would love to." I said and hugged him. "Okay meet me on the roof tomorrow at 7pm." He said and handed me my book back, he kissed my cheek and left just as fast as he arrived. I smiled and bit my lip. "Phew, I thought for a second she would say no." I heard Steve think to himself and it made me smile even more. I got up and walked to the kitchen where Nat and Wanda were talking. "I need your help." I said and slammed my book a little too hard on the counter. "Oops sorry." I said as I made a painful face. "Anyway, Steve just asked me out." I said and they both smiled. "It was about time." Wanda said and I laughed. "Yeah I was already thinking he would never ask. So I was wondering can you guys take me shopping tomorrow?" I asked and they both nodded happily. "Thanks." I said as I hugged them both. I grabbed my book and ran to Peter's room. I softly knocked and Peter opened up the door. "I need to have a best friend talk." I said and wiggled my eyebrows. "Oh no I don't need to know." He said and looked scared. "Not that." I said as I slapped his arm. "First of all, we haven't done that yet and second of all, he asked me out on a date." I said and waited for his reaction. "Oh shoot,get in here, I want to know everything. Haven't had a best friend talk in so long." He said as he pulled me into his room. We laid down on his bed and we talked for hours about MJ, Steve and just life before falling asleep.

*The next morning*
I woke up in Peter's room all by myself. I rubbed my eyes and walked out of the room. Halfway down the hall, still rubbing my eyes, I bumped in to someone. I stopped rubbing and looked up. Bucky was standing there. I quickly walked passed him. "Nina wait, I wanna talk." He said, I kept quiet and just kept on walking. I walked into my room and locked the door. I took a deep breath and walked to my closet to get dressed.
The outfit:

I put my hair in a high ponytail, I put my earphones in and walked to the kitchen while listening to music, I decided to ignore everyone as I grabbed a glass of water and walked up to the roof

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I put my hair in a high ponytail, I put my earphones in and walked to the kitchen while listening to music, I decided to ignore everyone as I grabbed a glass of water and walked up to the roof. I sat down and enjoyed the view as I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. I tried to ignore it but then Steve kneeled down in front of me and pulled out one earphone. "What's up?" He asked and smiled at me. I shrugged my shoulders as I looked down at my hand and started to play with my sleeves. He softly put his hand on my hands lifted up my chin to look him in the eyes. "Talk to me." He said as he rubbed my hand, I swallowed and cleared my throat. "I ran in to Bucky as soon as I woke up and walked back to my room from Peter's room." I said softly. "Sorry for sleeping in Peter's room." I said and started to fiddle more with my sleeves. He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug. "It's okay I know you guys are best friends and about Bucky, he has been drunk that whole time and when he broke out of the cell, he wasn't himself, he wasn't being controlled but Bruce noticed something was wrong and checked up on him, he had a bacteria in his brain that made him act the way he was." Steve said as he rubbed my back and I hugged him tightly. "Now show me your beautiful smile." He said as he pulled away and looked at me. "Come on I want a happy date tonight." He said and I automatically smiled. "There we go." He says and kisses my cheek. "Nat was looking for you by the way." He said and pulled me up. "Thanks Steve." I said as I kissed his cheek and slowly walked off. "Ready?" Nat asked and I nodded. Wanda and Nat locked in their arms with mine and pulled me out as we all giggled.

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