Chapter 3

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When we arrive Uncle H. helps me to get into the examination room. He gives other clothes for the examination and leaves the room. I change my clothes and sit on the examination bench. I grab my phone and message my best friend.

Just as I locked my phone, someone walks in

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Just as I locked my phone, someone walks in. "Wait who are you?" I asked as he walked by , he looks up and smiles "You must be Nina, he will be here in a second but he asked me to prepare you already." He said and I chuckled."Yeah that's great and all but that doesn't answer my question, SIR. Who the FUCK are you?" I said irritated he looked away at the wall for a sec. "Right, well uhm... I'm Bruce Banner" he said unsure. "Thank you Bruce, now was that so hard?" I asked as I rolled my eyes. "Nina, stop giving him a hard time." A man said as he walked in. "Sorry dad." I said as I looked down. "W-w-wait, dad?" Bruce says while looking confused. "You have another daughter?" He asked. "Here we go again, yes I'm his daughter from a previous marriage and yes that means my name is Nina Stark, good job." I said as I clapped my hands, I instantly regretted it cause it made my hands burn more, I grunted because of it and Tony came running towards me. "So what happened?" He asked as he softly took my hands. "I don't know dad, mom called for me this morning, when I woke up I felt an immense pain in my shoulder blades and my hands are burning,yet for you they feel normal." I said slowly. "Happy said something is growing on your shoulder blades?" He asked and I nodded, he walked around me and slowly opened up the hospital dress. "Holy-" He said before I cut him off. "Yes I know it looks bad." I said he took a deep breath and came back around. "No it doesn't, honey I think you're growing wings." He said and motioned Bruce to get closer and examine. "Nina, is it okay if I softly touch it?" He asked and I nodded while looking at Tony. Bruce softly goes over my shoulder blades and then stopped "hmmm, we need an x-ray but yes it does look like wings are growing." He said and I looked at the wall behind Tony. "You mean I may be able to fly? Like in those comics about Hawkgirl?" I asked and Tony laughed "Yes exactly like that honey" he said and kissed my forehead. "What about my hands?" I asked he shook his head. "One thing at a time." He said and I nodded, he helped me to my feet and we walked together to the x-ray. "Wait a second." I said as I looked around, "Are we in the compound?" I asked and Tony nodded. "Yes we are." I stopped walking and turned around to Bruce. "OMG now I know why you are helping, you are THE Bruce Banner, which means you are the Hulk!" I said surprised. He chuckled and nodded. "Yes that is me." I smiled excitedly and walked further. As we almost reach the x-ray room I got a message.

 As we almost reach the x-ray room I got a message

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"Okay let's go." I said as I locked my phone again. They both nodded and we walked in.

*After the scan*

While we're waiting for the results, they're examining my hands. Each of them has one of my hands, they are deep in thought while softly brushing over my hand and flipping it around. They look confused when they step back. "What do you feel in your hands?" Bruce asks me as he rubs his chin in thought. "Well it burns, like I burned my hands and it feels like something has to come out, it sounds weird I know." I said and he shook his head, he looked at Tony. "Doesn't sound weird at all, Tony can I speak to you for a bit?" He asked and they both walked outside. I was left all by myself just thinking about how close I am to the Avengers and that I just met one of them. They walk back in and Tony looks defeated. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing's wrong, Tony just realized he can't keep you a secret anymore, because we need all the help we can get, which means for now that you will be meeting Wanda." Bruce said while he chuckled. "Wait, for real?!" I asked in surprise and Tony nodded while rubbing his eyes. "Yes Nina, maybe she can help you." He said irritated. "OMG that is SO cool." I said with a big smile on my face. Tony looked up at me with the strict parent look. "No worries dad, I will behave and take this seriously." He nodded and walked to the door when the computer beeped, they both walked over to look and their eyes get big and their mouths fall open. "The meeting has to wait we gotta do some tests, after that you can meet Wanda." Tony said in a hurry as he ran around and grabbed tools "Wait, what, why? What is going on?" I asked as Bruce put me down on the examine bench on my stomach. "We don't know yet but we need you to be under anesthesia to get in your subconscious and to run the tests." Bruce said "Dad? I'm scared." I said as tears welled up in my eyes. Tony runs over to me and kneels down so he can look me in the eyes. "Don't be Nina, everything will be okay, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." He said and kissed my forehead. I nodded and tried to relax and before I even knew it I was asleep.

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