Chapter 48

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*A few days later*
I was walking through the city when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and Stan was standing there. "Hey Nina I-" He said and I shook my head and quickly walked away. "No stay away from me." I said and I felt that I was about to lose control over my powers.  I quickly called Steve. "S-S-Steve please come pick me up, quickly." I said as I walked faster and my breathing got faster as I looked behind me seeing Stan following me. "Nina what's wrong?" He asked with worry in his voice. "S-S-Stan is here." I said with a squeak as my breathing kept going faster, I felt my heart beating faster and everything started to go blurry. "H-H-Hurry please, I'm losing control." I said as I hung up and started to run, trying to use normal speed. I looked behind me and see Stan run too. "NINA LET'S TALK!" He yelled and I just kept running. "NO LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled back when I looked back. All of a sudden a motorcycle stopped next to me. "Come on Nina." Steve said and reached out his hand. I quickly jumped on the motorcycle behind Steve and held on to him tightly as we drove off. He stopped a few blocks away next to a park and carried me to a bench and sat down with me on his lap. "Nina look at me." He said softly and I slowly opened my eyes while they were flickering and looked him straight in the eyes. "It's okay, you're safe now, I'm here." He said as he smiled at me and moved hair out of my face while still looking me in the eyes. "Now focus on your breathing." He said softly and pulled me into him. "It's okay." He said softly and kept repeating it while rubbing my arm until I calmed down. I sat up and looked at him. "Thank you." I said softly and he smiled at me. "Always." He said and gave me a small kiss. We got up and drove back to the compound, I enjoyed the wind in my hair and closed my eyes and laid my head back while holding on to Steve's jacket. When we arrived at the compound I got off the motorcycle and waited for Steve, he put his arm around me as we walked inside. We walked into the living room and Steve sat down on the couch, I laid down on the couch with my legs over his and my hand against the armrest of the couch and looked at Steve who smiled at me. "You want to talk about it?" He asked and I looked at my fingers as I started to play with them. "I was just walking through the city when he tapped my shoulder and when I walked away he followed me." I said as tears started to build up in my eyes. "Hey hey, he can't get to you here." Steve said as he lifted me onto his lap, I put my arms lightly around his neck and looked at him as I nodded. "I know, I'm just still a bit shaken I guess." I said and smiled at him. I felt incredibly safe in his arms, I softly went through his hair and I smiled at him. "I love you so much. Do you know that? You're my safe haven." I said as I looked him straight in the eyes. "I don't know what I'd do without you." I said and smiled. He looked at me for a while before smashing his lips against mine when he pulled back he pulled me in for a hug. "I love you too, you have no idea how much. I'll be here forever." He said softly. I smiled as I laid my head down so I could burry my face in his neck. "Oh sorry." Bucky said as he walked in. I sat up and looked behind me. "For what? We are just hugging." Steve said as we both smiled at him and Bucky dropped down next to us. "Okay good, I was thinking of asking Tony for a party." Bucky said and looked at us. "I mean why not, right?" Steve said as they both looked at me. "Fine by me." I said as I climbed of Steve's lap and walked to the kitchen. "What kind of party tho?" I said a bit louder so they could hear me as I looked in the fridge and cabinets for something to snack. "God boring people, no snacks." I thought to myself and walked to the living room. "Hold that thought." I said and quickly ran to my room for snacks and then ran back. I sat down in the chair across from them and I started eating my snacks while waiting for them to tell me the kind of party.
The snacks

They both just looked at my bag and I chuckled

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They both just looked at my bag and I chuckled. "One sec." I said as I ran back to my room, I grabbed 2 more bags and ran back before dropping myself between them. I laid my head on Steve's lap and my legs on Bucky's and gave them both a bag as well. "Yeah so the party will be a drinking and games party." Bucky said as he ate his snacks. Steve and I just ate a few while thinking about it. "Maybe add karaoke too and make it mandatory, that should be fun." I said and smiled proudly as I looked at both of them. "Oh god." Bucky said and I chuckled. "It'll be fine, I just want to know what everyone will sing." I said and shrugged as they both laughed. "Okay let's do it." Bucky said and we all finished our snacks. "Damn it, those were my last bags." I said looking with sad puppy eyes at them at the same time as they did and we bursted out laughing.

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