hey besties

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hi so um... nobody really checks my announcement page so um!

as you can see this is pretty abandoned.. for multiple good reasons tbh.

1. the plot was bad and messy, i wasnt putting much thought into it
2. the timeskips were unnecessary and things should flow as usual
3. the writing is just bad
4. my characterization wasnt the best at the time.. it still isnt but it has improved since a year ago.

and finally, the big icing on the cake


so um yeah!! im rewriting this entire fic but im keeping this up! i already wrote the first chapter and now the second is in the works. Hopefully this "reboot" is much better than this
(no angsty killing game shit this time, you hear me?)

also while we're here, please dont bring up saiouma on my page, it makes me extremely uncomfortable since its one of my discomforts.. along with komahina. im not saying that you shouldn't ship it, im just not comfortable with it so it'd mean a lot if you refrained from mentioning it ANYWHERE near me.
obviously it won't mean much if you got somewhere before me or if you aren't even interacting with me,  but if you are just.. dont?

OH! i go by they/them now

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