Miu's arrival

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ok so after skipping that whole thing, the only canon bit in that is waking up shuichi, no argument or anything

Kaede's POV:

A new day has come!
It's been a while since I've heard that..
It doesn't make much notice!

Yawning, it takes me a huge amount of effort to get out of bed.. It kinda feels like I've been sleeping for so long...
I needed to go see if other people came out of the pods.

So I quickly put on my blue fluffy housecoat, (-walk-) run down the stairs and finally go into the spare room.

"Green buttons...? Anyone? Please let it be Kirumi... Tenko's cooking is.... mehhhhhhhh..." I pray, "Green button! Who? Who?!"
My face saddens with disappointment....
Of course it's Miu... I wish Kaito came out aswell. But we'll have to make do with Miu-
"There's a good side to this atleast.." yawned a female from behind me.
"Maki!" I cheer, "I think this isn't my housecoat. I mean... it's really big.. Tsumugi would've worked nicely-"
"No that's Shuichi's."She bluntly stated, "Someone *cough cough* KOKICHI- *cough cough*, thought it'd be a good idea to switch everyone's housecoats. Guess who got Kokichi's?"
"Are you dumb? Obviously it's Tenko. She refuses to even touch anything in her room."
That first bit, hurt my feelings... But it's technically my fault.
"So, let's hear those reasons for Miu?" I ask her.
"Oh yeah," she sighed, " She can make a bot to Tenko from cooking, saving us more time and from her dishes... I can't live off of salad my entire life."
"That makes tons of sense! I'll press the button now!!-"
"Kaede WAIT-!"
Too late~!

The button had just reached my fingertips, but that was more than enough, apparently you had to hover your fingertips, so now, everything flooded.
"I told you to wait..!" grunted Maki, "No worries, it evapo-" she dropped her cup of coffee, smashing it on the floor.
"Uh, uh- Ka- gugh- ugh -ehm-" she grunted, blushing profusely "Kaede??????"
"Hm?" I hum,
"Is that.. satin?"
"Is what satin?"
"Y'know.. your lingerie." Maki blushed.
That's what she's talking about!
"I-It's not that!"

"B-but! I don't see the problem with it! I mean, it's just pyjamas!"
"Yeah, slutty ones..!" scoffed someone from the floor.

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