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huichi POV:

It's another boring day. Except it's Saturday, which means my uncle is out for a case.

I picked up the news paper report he dropped at my bedside table.

"Florida man fails No Nut November and commits mass homicide out of rage..." I sighed, "Those Floridians are insane...." 

I slumped back onto my bed pondering on what to do. I decide to sleep in, but before I could close my eyes, my phone chimed from a text message.

"Shit-" I muttered, but stopped in my tracks when I saw it was Kaito who texted.

Stars: Hey sidekick! Come down to the plaza next to the gym! I won't forgive you if you don't come! Me and Makiroll are waiting with some other friends.

Read: Shuichi Saihara, 9:14

Hastily I got out of bed and mumbled to myself on why I couldn't fake being sick.

I got dressed, ate breakfast and was off. I was on the walk there when I noticed a huddle of people outside the plaza, one particually loud one was speaking,

"I heard he's coming! Well, I think he is. He read my texts." Kaito boomed.

"I bet he's fapping to a picture of Kaeidiot!!" Sneered Miu. 10 seconds later I heard a shriek of pain and pleasure coming from Miu.

I starting running since I knew there was only two things that this meant. 

1: Kaede was there.

2: Maki took her place.

Sure enough I saw two blondes next to each other, both female. 

One strawberry blonde, one fair. Kaede and Miu (as I mentioned).

"Oh! Shuichi!" Kaede beamed,

A round of cheers came from the people who were there, one "nishishishi" and one "nyeh".

"Heh, I guess I came late. Also Miu! I don't appreciate you shouting that!!" I shouted.

As if in more pain she started panting, being Novemeber you could see her breath as she hyperventilated.

Weirded out, I staggered behind me and looked away.

"Miu. That's weird. Stand up." Maki snapped.

"Awww Makiroll! If you didn't want her here why did you invite he-" He beamed.

"S-shut the fuck up you i-idiot...!" she pouted.

     10 minutes later we found ourselves at the amusement park. We got split up into groups that consisted of:

Group one.





Group two:





"Aww! We're not in the same group..!" Kaede whined, "I'll text you about what happens. Bye!"

"Alright! I'll see you later." I smiled.


Himiko's POV:

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