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I decided to make kiibo a robot again, I might do a chapter when Kiibo tries to take off his robot layers?

(the robophobia is getting to him-)


Miu's POV:

"Hey Keeboy! Hand me that wrench!" I shouted

"Alright" he responded

He came up to me with a wrench in hand and gave it to me,

"I need approx ten bolts." I shouted again

"Alri- What're you even building?" He questioned

"Uh, you know that whole, robophobia thing...?" 


"I made this really sexy Keebo human skin!, 

and for Kokichi's sake... it has a di-" 


But I won't let that happen!

"HEeeeeeeEEEEEE~! I-I, You don't have to s-shout at m-me..." I started, "Look I think that you should be able to go out in public without rude stares,

especially with me,

because I'm always horny,

and I have a bad reputation,

people probably think you're a se-"

I got cut off,

I get it Miu. But seriously, that... private infomation was too... much?" he tried to reason.

"Fuck it Keebo, just fuck it all! I really need you to try it on!!" I was starting to get desperate.

I ran to him and put the beta model of Miu Iruma's Is it a human or a robot?™️

on him!

Let me just get this fuckin' straight.

Miu Iruma (me) sees naked possibly sexy man body = weak.

I immediatley took it off him before I lost my brains again.

"Uhh Miu- Why are you soaking from your underneat-" He questioned then stopped "... Oh..." 


Keebo POV:

I got out of the lab as soon as Miu looked at me like she was going to... uh, I'm not sure really.

Surprisingly enough, Kaede's research lab was right next to Miu's.

I decided to go and ask what was happening with Miu, but, I saw her kissing Shuichi. 

30 seconds later they stopped and then I asked,

"Kaede? Shuichi? Miu was acting weird lately, liquid was coming from underneath-" I started

"Hush Keebo, you're too pure to know the details." Shuichi quickly dodged the question.

They both looked very flustered and Kaede was holding down her skirt,

I don't get it?



ok this was fun to make tbh

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