help kaede (not canon anymore)

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Maki's POV:

I woke up.

Shuichi is by my side.

"Kaito isn't awake yet, but we don't have much time." Shuichi spoke fast,
"Go downstairs and eat for the time being. I'll tell you what to do."
I nodded in confusion and in respect, since he had an expression of urgency.
After I had finished eating. I'd gone up to his room where he'd said he'd be.
"I'm here Shuichi." I sigh, "what's wrong?"
He turns around and looks at me,
"Kaede is what's wrong." He shudders
"Wh- what happened to Kaede?" I stand there just completely shocked,
"She's.. forgotten everything..!" He shivered "her talent.. you.. Kokichi... Tenko.. ME! The worst bit of all, she doesn't go by Kaede anymore. She says it's not her. Whoever is in this apartment is NOT Kaede. If it is, I refuse to believe that it's her..!"
"Shuichi. Calm down. Pull yourself together. This is scary yes, but.. there's nothing we can do anymore is there?" I reason, " I mean. Is there a cure for amenisa? I could call Mik-"
"NO." he suddenly shouted, "This stays in this apartment. Heck, even in this room! Nobody can hear about this."
"You're speaking way too fas-" I try to speak,
"Here's the plan..."

Shuichi wants me to follow her?!
I mean, her personality right now is the same when she was in middle school.
She only changed when she saw Shuichi.
"You seriously want me to do that..?" I make sure,
"Yes. You said you knew her in middle school right? You should be the only one she remembers." He spoke slower, too slow.
"Hurry this up, she's going back upstairs soon." I grunt,
"Just.. just try and talk to her. Tell me if anything happens."

Shuichi practically throws me out of the room, but without the physical contact, just by facial expressions.

I sigh and turn around on my heel to the kitchen.
Apparently, this new person would be there.

As I walk down, I hear a loud ruckus coming from downstairs, then followed by "I'm gonna turn on the TV".
My assasin instincts kick in,
I creep around the living room, two people walk past me. A blonde one and a purple haired one.
"What are you talking about? It ended on the sixth season." he calls back.
"Aww but I wanted you and Kaede to see eachother!" the gremlin giggles,
"No-.. Actually, sure." he sighed, Kokichi squealed, the blonde grunted.

She sat up from her seat and looked behind.
"Maki?" she gasped, "Oh I missed you, you big bitch! C'mon hug me!!"
No chance to respond and she already picked me up and hugged me.
"I'm getting bugged by this navy blue haired boy. He keeps calling me Kaede. Like, that's not my name. Even if it's wrong, who says Kayday? It's Kayayday!" Whatever her name laughed.
"Kaede. That navy blue haired boy is Shuichi, your boyfriend. You are Kaede Akamatsu. He is Shuichi Saihara." I grab her shoulders,
she looks at me with a face of sadness and eyes welled up with tears...
until she grins,
"PfTTT! That thing? That skinny stick? I always told you I'm into tall, dark and handsome, something like you! Fuck, if you were a boy, I'd date you.. or...?"
I push her back.
"This is not you Kaede." I sigh," Wait a moment, I have a picture to show you."
"A silly little picture is supposed to make me remember?" She cackled,
"That's dumb Maki. That boy. ShuIchI. Sounds like a sneeze, you really don't want to be my friend anymore do you?"
I say nothing as I look for the picture,
"Here," I sigh," try to figure out who is who."
She takes a look at the image, then I realise the colour of her eyes.
They aren't lavender,
They're red.

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