🍋⚠️a little after math to company. ⚠️🍋

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if you catch my drift, you know where is going🍋 (chum please dont read this i beg you.)

Nobody's POV:

Shuichi couldn't comprehend what Kaede said.
She wanted to do that with him?
"Are you sure you want to..? I-I mean, I'll get you sick and all an-"
"Shh, Shuichi..." She pressed her finger against his lips, "You worry so much..." He just sat there, completely in shock.
He found out that Kaede was clinging to his arm and finally, gave in..
"F-fine.. I'll only do it if you want to..."
"It's okay Shuichi.. I want this to happen.." As she emphasised on the want, Kaede quickly embraced him, "I want this to happen.. Please don't worry.."

"Knock knock"

"Who's there?"


"Kaede who?"

"Kaede is in love with you!!"


lol you thought lmao

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