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Shuichi POV:

It was a Sunday morning and my uncle came up to my room.

"Hey, Shuichi. You were pretty red last night, tossing and turning, could hear you from my room," He sounded concered for me, then a sinister smirk came on his face, "....So, whos the girl?" he teased.

"H-hey! Thats not funny!" I blushed

His judgemental face became more and more tempting, so I had to answer.

"Theres this girl called Kae-" I started,

"Kaede Akamatsu?" He questioned

"Yeah her. And um... she.... kissed me... on Friday." I reluctantly answered,

He did that     f a c e  of his that told me he was thinking of something...

something lewd.

"Hey! I know what your thinking and I don't want you to say it!" I shouted before he could speak.

"So you deny the fact that you were having a w-" He tried to ask.

"I'm not gonna even listen to what he's saying." I thought, drowning out his words.

"Well I'm off to the post office, got some mail. Now don't go j-" He said,

before he could finished I closed the door.

I could feel the colour going to my cheeks while thinking about what he was going to say.

Then I remembered I had  her  phone number


Kaede's POV:

It was a boring Sunday and I was bored,

as I stated.

Inspiration struck.

I sprinted to my laptop and looked up some really cute outfits on pintrest, until I got a call from Shuichi.

I immediatley started to blush since I completely forgot that I had kissed him on Friday.

I was embarrssed to pick up the phone but I did.

"Uh, hi Kaede....?" he sounded embarrssed, I'm not sure if it's because of me but he sounded very flustered.

"Hey Shuichi! So, whats up?" I cringed when I said that, I totally blew my chances.

"Nothing much, my uncle just embarressed me alot, I'd rather not talk about it..." He trailed off

"Oh okay! Anyway what do you want?" hhhhh that sounded a bit rude.

"O-oh um... are you f-free today...?" He stuttered, I know Shuichi too well to know that he was probably blushing like crazy.

Because I was blushing,

I don't blush much,

If I blush thats bad.

"I don't have any plans, why?" I asked

"I, uh, wanted to go out to the park with you, is that okay?" he's so sweet aaaaaaaaaa

"Sure why not? I'd love to." I sounded bold but I was actually shaking.

"I'll get you at... 5?"


"See you later then."

"Bye Shuichi."


Shuichi POV:

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