Going downhill (not canon anymore)

310 11 4

(why not it sounds like an amazing chapter ahahahahahahahhahshsha also check the tags for more accuracy)

im such a liar ha

Shuichi's POV:

I did hear correctly or...
Did I hear Kaede's voice...?
What's happening here...

"Perfect! Shu!" She called,
"What do you mean 'Shu?'" I ask
"I mean your Kaede said that."
"I thought you said she doesn't exist?"
"Yeah guess I lied, anyways I gotta do something real quick. Seems like a brain fart but really not."
She was true to her word.
"Wh-! Whatever.. Maki did you get anything?" I slowly turn to her, but she's not herself, she's just in shock,
"Her eyes... They're red. Not purple, and when she's standing like that they flicker! From purple to red!! This isn't right is it? I don't know?? Am I going insane or what??" Maki rambled,
"I'll go look, okay..? Also go check on Kaito, it's got to take your mind off stuff right?"
She nods and ran off.
Taking a step I notice what Maki is talking about, it's enough to drive anyone mad.
"God that's flashy.. luckily it's not enough to trigger something." I sigh, "What do I do then..? How does she wake up..??"
My eyes light up then go back down, it's obvious.
Knock.. Knock.. Knock knock jokes... Am I really doing this..?
"K-knock knock.." I stutter,
Did I just waste my sanity for no response?

"I knew this wasn't going to wor-"

"Who's there?" A energetic, yet sad, voice responds

"Kaede..?" I gasp,

"Kaede who!?" It calls out,

"Is it really you?!" I cry in shock, "Who knew.. a knock-knock jo-"

"No I was already back earlier!" She beamed,

It was true, her eyes were purple, not red at all. All I'm happy about is that she's back to her senses.

"I'm really.. REALLY sorry for what sh- No.. I said!" She apologised, "Ah! Do you know where Maki is? I need to thank her for that really!"

It's refreshing to see her like this.

"Maki... Oh! Maki, she went upstairs just a minute ago! You can try finding her room." I chuckle, "I'm not even paying attention really. Just been a while since I've been this happy.. reminds me of 3rd Gr-"

Before I knew it, she was gone, and loud sobbing could be heard from upstairs. I'm not sure how she managed to find Maki's room so easily, it took me 5 minutes personally..

"ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE NOT FAKE?!?!?!?!??!??"a shout came from Maki's room, there was silence,

"I COULD HUG YOU RIGHT NOW-" I think she said that on accident, since laughing came from the room.

Nothing mattered , things going back to before changed that again. I think the reason I was so worked up was because of how we met.



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