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Kaedes's POV:

"I- I, YES!!" I jumped, "I love you so much Shuichi..." I was crying so much.

We stood there for what seemed like forever in a tight embrace, we were both crying.

I wanted this so much, I didn't know if he liked me back...

"I love you too Kaede... I really do." He answered back.

We let go and looked at each other, we were confused, flustered,full of relief and blushing.

"Well I'll see you, uh, tomorrow...?" He asked.

"Sure you will...hopefully." I sounded puzzled.

In my head all I could think about what would've happened if we carried on.

I opened the door to see Rena with this smirk on her face.

"Kaede and Shuichi were fucking, Kaede and Shuichi were fuckin-" She teased

"N-no! All we did was go out!! Nothing else!"

"So what he took you to a hotel to do a quickie?"

"S-SHUT UP!" I screamed, not too loud.

"Anyways as I was going, ahem.. Kae-"

"NO. I'm going to bed. You should too."

"Pshhhhh fine, partypooper. What has Hopes Peak done...?"

As she promised not to, she teased the everloving heck out of me and Shuichi, even when they passed eachother on the street.

Time skip to Tuesday


Maki POV:

Idiots, Idiots, Idiots

oh Saihara,

Idiots, Idiots, Idiots,


I was counting the amount of bozos who passed me in the hall during first period.

Then a daunting sight approached me,

"Great." I grunted, "The biggest idiot of them all." 

"Hey! Makiroll!! Don't be like that!" He whined so much I wanted to smack him and ki-


"Anyway, wanna go to the gym?!?" He practically broke my eardrums.

"What the fu- Sure but you're paying the fees, I got peer pressured." I sighed

"Thats the Makiroll I know!"

"D-don't call me that if you don't want die." I struggled to speak since he was literally crushing my ribs.

"Alright, I'll ask Shuichi!!" He sprinted down the hall, angering a wild Ishimaru.


That "gaming" stuff Nanami-san taught me about is getting to me.

no worries.

I went to go see Shuichi but I soon realised something was fishy.

Normally Shuichi wouldn't seem so... social.


He was with her.

And they were dating now.

I don't know that last bit since they have literally said nothing.

But they seemed to *click* everytime near.

No worries, once again.

I decided to spy on them, just to see what they were doing.

Nothing much actually.

Shuichi just showed Kaede how to be a detective.

I almost cried when they played Clair De Lune together.

Then lunch.

I promised Kaito I'd be there at lunch.

Knowing him he'd be late, so I decided to eat some stuff.

It was a boring lunch. Kaito was bombarding me with stuff to say as always, so nothing really intresting.


something Kaito said made me pout.

Kaede was giggling while Shuichi looked flustered.

Anyway I saw a little peck on the cheek.

I'm pretty sure they fucked earlier.

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