wake up!!! (not canon anymore)

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the depths

"Maki!!! Can you hear me?? I'm so sorry for what I've said!!! This isn't me, this isn't what I'm like, I promise..."

You really need to shut up don't you?
I have control over your dumb body now, you can do nothing.

"All those things you said about my friends! Maki.. Shuichi.. Kaito... Himiko.. Tenko.. I won't let you! I won't let you say anymor-"

You're a nuisance you know that? Sometimes you gotta just stay put and wait for someone to kill you.

"No.. NO... NO!! I refuse! I don't want to live like this!! I just want to be happy! I want others to be happy! Please just let me live!"

Stop crying and I might let you.
It's not a promise.




they're all looking at me confused,
"I'm so sorry everyone! I missed you!!"
they accept me again...

the depths

Now then.. that boy with a sneeze, let's kill his self esteem even lower shall we..?


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