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Kokichi's POV:

"Chabashira-chan! Go check on them and see who woke up will you ?" I call out while sipping on Panta,
"You have no right to call me by my last name or my first name! Not even middle! You degenerate male. I'll do it anyways." Tenko raved, "Besides! I wanna see if Himiko woke up!!"
As she walked over to the room on the side I call out to her again
"Hey! Anyone there?"
"No just Kaede." She sighed
"PfTTT- JUST KAEDE?!" I choked, "Well let her get dressed then! She has no excuse to wear that.. thing that gave her trauma they made us wear!"
"You don't have to lie about her wearing a bra and shorts." Tenko scoffed
"W-well she'll think we did something..!"
"Makes sense since our ultimate uniforms are on in the pods but turn into that when you come out." Tenko theorised
"That's why I left you next to the rats."
"Whatever, you're lucky I didn't see you." I sigh, "No girl would want to be seen in a bra."
"Urk- why do I think that's a lie..?"
"Because it is! I saw you then I dragged you out and put you ON the rats!" I snickered,
"Another lie.. I'll go put her in her supposed room.." she sighed again
"Fine by me. But if Saihara-chan comes out, take him upstairs immediately." I said with a sudden tension.
Tenko stared at me with a confused look, then moved on to the upstairs of the penthouse.
"I worry that I've done something we weren't supposed to uncover..!" I mutter.

Kaede's POV:

I woke up and I'm in a bed,
Since when are things getting comfy now?!
Sitting up, I look in the mirror, to also realised my clothes had been changed!
I swear I was wearing my ultimate uniform, but I ended up wearing a black skirt with shorts under and a pink top.
"Weird.." I mutter.
I walked down the stairs to look for who did that. Was it Kirumi? Did my family move?
"Hello..?" I call out,
"Hi Akamatsu-chan! Hehe! Didn't you know that when someone tidies you up, you have to thank them?" Kokichi teases,
"O-oh sorry! Thanks Kokichi-"
"Ahem?" Tenko coughed.
"A-ah! Sorry Tenko! I just thought he was the only one awake! Thank you."
"It's okay Kaede! He's always wanted to take the credit," she scowled
I laugh it off even though I know something is wrong deep inside.
What could it be?

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