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Nobody's POV:

When Himiko and Kokichi finally managed to haul themselves into school, they were greeted by Kirumi handing out cups of tea in class, 

with an icy glare??

Kaede POV:

Kokichi and Himiko finally came in, and at once,




Apparently nobody appreciated Kokichi's existence.

"HIMIKOOOOOOO! I was so worried!! What has this degenerate done to you?!?" Tenko screeched

"Nyeh... he did nothing Tenko...." said a now sleeping Himiko

We had our lessons and we did everything we were supposed to. When the bell rang I ran over to Shuichi's desk to go and show him my research lab.

"Shuichi! Let's go see my Research Lab!!" I said.

Before he even got a chance to answer, I grabbed him down the wrist and raced down the hall.

Ishimaru was chasing us, along with some weird looks from Nagito, but I really didn't care I wanted to show him.

"Tada!!" I panted, finally reaching for the door.

"KAEDE!! You're too energetic-" He also panted, but stopped mid-sentence.

I had already opened the door for him to see.


Shuichi POV:

It was beautiful.

Her piano was painted a indrustrial white, with a distinct marble pattern.

"It's..." I started

"It sucks doesn't it?" she immediatlely interrupted

"N-No!! It's beautiful, really!" I could feel the blush just flowing into my cheeks

She chuckled and smiled,

"I'm so lucky I have such a friend like you" she smiled

my heart   s h a t t e r r e d .

"Friendzoned once again.." I wheezed, while holding back tears.

"Shuichi!?!?!? Are you okay?!? Are you sick?? Should I take you to the nurses office-" She immediately panicked

"No, It's fine. I just remembered something funny," sweating buckets.

Kaede pouts

Kaede p o u t s


I think thats where I offically passed out.


Kaede POV:

Shuichi just stood there, he looked, dead????????????? 

I was just there sweating, and it seems like Shuichi was too apparently.

I decided, that I know for a fact, Shuichi...

has a crush.

But it's probably not me, even though I would dream of that...

I called for Kaito's help and Maki's too,

Kaito tried picking him up but started sweating too,

Maki didn't even break a sweat, she looked flustered for some reason though.


End scene 

that was a handful since i kept sleeping and it kept not saving so i hope it was worth it!

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