all lies (not canon anymore)

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Shuichi's POV:

I hear a light creak while I'm sleeping.
It was always a weird thing I did.
Just more reason for me sleep in.
There's no point in trying to deny I'm awake since I had already jolted my body upright.
"Oh! You're awake!" I hear a familiar cheery voice call from the door.
"Oh.. I mean I just woke up, but technically the truth..!" I smile to Kaede,
"Thank God you only just woke up now.. I was dreading if you heard...

that." She sighed
This is bad.
I can't lie to Kaede, but she looks devastated.
I heard everything.
She was in denial of her memories being wiped.
She had PTSD when she heard the familiar things that her sister did.
"Uh.. Kaede.. about that.." I mutter, "you can talk to me you know..? That's what I'm here for.."
Her face darkened.
"O-oh.. so you heard that too..?" She stuttered, "U-uhm.. I'll talk to you if anythings wrong..!"
She wanted to escape. I wanted to let her, but she just lied.
All over her face was the feeling of guilt, betrayal and just confusion.

"Are you sure you're okay though?" I try to reason.
"Shuichi! I already told you I'm fine! Why can't you just accept that?!" She lashed out.
I just sat on my bed with shock.
What was she hiding..?
What was she planning to do..?
"Now DETECTIVE, I'm going to be leaving now. And don't come in unless you're with anybody else!"
She slammed the door.

I can hear sobbing outside the door, as if she just regretted what she did...

Was it my fault..?
Or does this have something to do with the killing game and Tsumugi..?
Whatever it was... I needed to give her space.
Or else I don't know what she might do.

Kaede's POV:

Why did I just do that?!
I want him to find out!
I want him to help me!
What's wrong with me..?
Just what could it be..?!

Before I could even get to my room, I fall to my knees and start crying outside.

Why was I so rude?!
He hates me!
He hates me!
He hates me!
Everyone hates me..?
Everyone... Hates... Me..

Yeah..! That's right..
It's all coming back now..
That thing about Haru? She was fake too apparently.
Just another lie woven by Tsumugi.

Just goes to show why...

I d o n t h a v e f a i t h in h u m a n i t y
Sorry they're all insane

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