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Shuichi's POV: 

When we walked into the parlour, we soon found a table to sit at.

A happy looking waiter soon ccame by to take our orders.

"Welcome! What would you like to order?" She sounded a little tired but was happy anyway.

I took a quick glance at the menu and saw that they had some of my favourites so it took me a while to figure out.

"I'll have chocolate, and some coffee..." I answered,

Kaede, who looked in shock with my order made up her mind,

"I'll have a strawberry crèpe? And some milkshake, preferrably strawberry." She answered.

I have never seen her so serious with her not-so-serious order.

The waiter skipped away with her notebook in hand and left me and Kaede alone.

"So, you drink coffee?" She asked

"Only when it's cold, other times I drink whatever thats there."

"Eh????? You sound so serious Shuichi! How do you drink it?" She was bombarding me with questions.

"Uh, I only drink it normally, but my uncle makes it black for me sometimes-" I was  s w e a  t i n g so much.

"You sound so professional! All suited for the ultimate detective!!" She was gushing on and on

I could see some heads turning to us, she realised what was happening.

"! Shuichi! I'm sorry I'll keep it down, don't worry." She was clearly panicking and I was too, mentally.

The waiter came back with our tray of food and drinks,

"Enjoy your food!" She said, she skipped to the next table to serve.

When we were about to start eating again, the waiter came skipping back to our table and handed me a note.

"I included a special gift for you to give her, you take it back if you want to." She gave me the same shock Kaede did when she talked so sternly.

I was tembling a little bit but I wanted to use the gift that they gave us.

We chatted about some stuff, went red sometimes and ate our food.

"Hey Kaede, you still have any space?" I asked

"Shuichi! You know me, I'm a bottomless pit, right?" 

"Alright then, I'll go get something, on me."


Kaede's POV:


Gonta would love to be Shuichi's friend. WHAT AN ACTUAL GENTLEMAN WHAT-

I just sat there in my seat not knowing how to react to his...

what should I even call it????

A few minutes later, Shuichi came back with a tray. 

It was massive so I couldn't NOT see it.




hoo boy.

"Wow! Sugoi desu!"

"You don't have to bring the Japanese out now you know." He chuckled which soon escaleted into a small laugh.

"Dibs the bit with the most strawberry!" I excalaimed

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