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I turn off the lamp on my desk as I just finished my homework for the support course in U.A. I had to make a support item for one of the hero course students in class 1-B. He was an odd character. That's for sure. His quirk was interesting though. It made up for his really weird and crappy attitude. It was a relief when he left. Luckily I'll hopefully only have to see him one more time; which is when I give the support item to him.

His attitude is somewhat close to my boyfriend's. His name is Bakugo Katsuki. He is definitely quite the character. Katsuki and I have been dating since the sports festival. We had a couple of run ins before, and I guess it built up to something!

Don't ask me how I'm the girlfriend of a guy like Katsuki. Your guess is as good as mine!

I sigh and rub my eyes before remembering I have to take my contacts out. I rush to the bathroom and do that quickly before returning to my warm bed. I grab one of my many stuffed animals and curl up under the covers. I read the time seeing it is  almost 11:00pm. I'm not overly excited about that. Typically I try to get to bed at 9:30. So much for that! I try to force all the thoughts of today into the back of my mind so I could sleep.

I close my eyes and hope for sweet dreams.

🧡Katsuki POV🧡

I huff as I saunter to my girlfriend's house. The old hag has just been so fucking annoying lately. I just need a break from her and my pushover dad.

I reach her house and see all the lights are off.
I sigh in annoyance. Not even her parents are awake. Usually they would let me in. This isn't the first time I've done this.

So as a shitty conclusion I go around to the back yard where Y/N's window to her room is. I drop my over night bag and pick up a handful of pebbles. She's typically a light sleeper so hopefully these small ass pebbles will wake her up.

One by one I hit the window with the tiny pebbles. All of them make a 'dink' sound before falling to the ground. Already walking here in the cold at one in the morning I start to get pissed.

Without realizing what I was doing the pebbles grew bigger before finally being rocks. Each one hitting the window with a 'clack'.

Finally blinded by impatience and rage I pick up a huge rock a throw it at the window. I don't break out of my trance until I hear a crash, falling glass, and a shriek. Fuck, I didn't mean to wake her up that way.

I look up at her window to see it broken. There are many glass shards on the patio below. I'm so fucking screwed when the old hag finds out.

"Katsuki!? You scared me!" She huffs "Alright you know the drill. Front door." I smirk a little before making my way there.

This isn't my first time fucking up her window. The first time we were tossing a ball back and forth. The second time we were messing around with our quirks, and I accidentally let out an explosion bigger than intended.

I walk up the front steps with my hands in my pockets and my bag on my shoulder. I open the front door to see Y/N putting away the broom. I chuckle and walk up to her hugging her before kissing her lightly.

"You scared me half to death Katsu~!" Y/N whines I just stare at her with a cocky smirk.

"Sorry, not fucking sorry!"

I grab her hand a drag her up to her bedroom my bag in tow. When we reach her room I let her go; while I go to my drawer that has been reserved just for me. I put my bag in the drawer and join her in her bed. I already changed into my night clothes before I came.

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