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•~Bakugo POV~•

Shitty hair and I are walking to the marina store to get something for Aizawa sensei. What? I have no fucking clue. As we near the store shitty hair points out something. Well someone.

"Hey Amy! What are you doing here?" Shitty hair asks the sunburnt bitch.

"Oh! Hi guys Uh I was just about to go back to my family's house boat that we stay at while we are here. I need to get something that we forgot. It's kinda important."

"Do you want us to come with you?" Shitty hair asks

"Sure! If you want to!"

"You and shitty hair can go But I'm going to get whatever the hell Aizawa sensei wants."

"Do you even know what we are supposed to get for him?"

"...fuck you shitty hair."

"Alright then let's go!"

The two drag me behind them as the chat excitedly. Catching up on all the adventures they've been on since they last saw each other. It's obvious they are two love sick idiots.

After a torturous walk we finally get to Amy's jet ski. Sunburnt bitch sits up front with shitty hair wrapping his arms around her waist while sit in the back holding onto the handles. As we get moving shitty hair starts blushing like mad. He is so red he might as well be sunburnt.

We start to get further out into the middle between two docks. Suddenly weird waves start  to come out of no where. I'm not sure what's going on but I have an feeling it's not fucking good.

The waves start to get bigger and bigger. There is no doubt about it now. This is a boat tipper attack.

The waves start crashing over the jetski soaking our clothes in lake water. Though the waves seem weaker than the previous attempts they pushes me into the green lake.

Every time I surface a wave just comes and pushes me back down. I can hear the shouts and screams of Kirishima and Amy. As I surface again water come crashing into my mouth and straight into my lungs. Having difficulty to breath and the waves being unrelenting I start to sink.

The water whirls me around trying to finish me off. With my eyes open I try to swim towards the surface only to be pushed back down. My lungs start to burn as I lose air quickly.

This is so fucking cliche but I think this might be it.

I won't become number one.

I won't get to say I'm sorry to the shitty deku.


I won't get to tell Y/N how much I like her.

Oh god this is so fucking cliche.

With a final attempt to reach the surface I give it all my might. Just as my hand breaks through the surface a wave crashes down trying to pull me under only to fail.

I feel a hand grab my hand and pull me up.

Thank fucking god for dreadlocks girl.

She pulls me up and onto her jet ski as I cough up the water I inhaled. Dreadlocks pats my back helping me hack up the water. I finally sit up straight with a sore throat and aching lungs. Now I know how Boat girl felt. Damn.

"Hey are you alright?"


Shitty hair and sunburnt bitch come up beside us asking questions left and right. Trying to see if I'm alright. They are so fucking annoying.

"I'm fine god dammit!" I yell at them

I don't need their sympathy. I'm fine. Them coddling me won't get me anywhere.

"Are you sure Bakugo? That was quite scary. You were struggling for a little while." Sunburnt bitch says concerned

"I'm fine." I insist

"If you're sure."

With that we start to make our way back to the marina.

But as we start to get further away I see a girl with brown hair and Stoney gray skin. She also has some random spots on her skin that are discolored. Accompanying her is a wolf that stands at her side. Both look in our direction.

I don't know what it is about her but I don't think it will be last time I see her.

Ok so like I may be writing this when I'm not supposed to. As in I'm not supposed to have my phone and I'm home alone and I'm trying to type as fast as I can (I'm a slow typer usually). Anyway here ya go I should be able to have my phone back on Tuesday for school and stuff so see you then!

Bakugo be like:

Bakugo be like:

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P.s. thanks for all the reads and votes it's insane to me how many I've been getting!

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