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•~Y/N POV~•

It's been about a week since the boat tipper incident. I was in bed for a day or two afterwards — though I couldn't really tell the days ran together. After I was able to get up I was mostly hanging out at the marine hospital. Besides you can't be much help cleaning up with the challenge of not having a quirk.

I haven't been able to see Mina or that boy whose name I soon learned was Katsuki. They also didn't come to see me. I guess they were busy with hero training stuff.

Though my friend Amy comes to the lake today! Myself, Amy, and Diani always meet when she comes on the weekends. Hopefully She will be here soon!

"Hey Y/N? Oh there you are! Well Uncrushable was just wondering if you would like to take class 1-A to do a fun activity today." My mom says as she peeks out from behind a wall.

"Oh yeah sure! But first I need to meet up with Amy and Diani. Oh! Maybe they can join us! I'm thinking cliff jumping!" I say ecstatically

"That sounds fun! Well you better get a move on. Amy will be here soon. I'll tell uncrushable about your plans."

"Thanks mom! Love you! Bye!"

I rush out of the door and to my jet ski. It had been tipped over but by luck being kinda on my side. We were able to save it. I hop on and make my way to where we usually meet up.


"Hey guys!" I shout over the engine of my jet ski

"Hey girl! How you doing? Are you sure you should be out?" Diani asks worriedly

"I assure you I am fine! You are such a worry wart sometimes Diani!" I exclaim

"Wait hold up what happened?" Amy asks confused

"I'll explain it later! Let's just get a move on and jump some waves!" Diani jovially exclaimed

"Nope change of plans girls! We are going cliff jumping with the heros in training!"

"Ahhhhh are there any pretty boys! Oh I bet there are! They are probably muscly too! Oh heck yeah count me in!" Amy fangirls and darts to her own jet ski and in a hurry turns it on

"Hold your horses! Lordy! But I agree with Amy on the count me in part." Diani laughs

With that we head off to the agency.


We pull up to the agency to see everyone in the boat already.

"Heya guys! How are ya?!" I shout to them as I pull up by the boat

"How are we?! We should be asking how you are!" Mina frets

"I'm fine don't worry about me! Beside I've been through worse! Getting electrocuted in the water and almost drowning is the least of my problems!" I say and smile widely

"WAIT WHAT?! You almost died! Y/N that is a big problem!" Amy exclaims

"Oh yeah! Guys these are my two best friends Amy, and Diani."

"Hey! Don't ignore me!"

"Hahahaha! Hey girly so about what we are going to do today you want it to be a surprise?" Allie asks from the boat

"Why not it will be better that way."

"What! Come on boat girl please tell us!" A invisible girl pleas

"Nope and nope especially since you begged." I say and snicker at the end "alright Allie!... I want you to give em a rough ride." I exclaim as I zoom off with a devious smirk

"A rough ride?" All of class 1-A asks

The heros already prepared as well as Mina she already knew what was about to happen. The only warning they had was to hold on tightly.

They started off slowly them all of the sudden they immediately sped up causing the boat to tip in the back. They immediately started going in circles and crashing into their giant wake. There were multiple screams of joy and fear. As well as a few questions of 'what is going on' and 'where are the seat belts'.

The girls on the jet skis just watched in amusement as class 1-A screamed. Occasionally jumping the boat's wake and doing tricks of their own. Though after a while the boat ride calmed back down again.

"That was so fun! Can we do it again!" Kirishima and kalminari exclaim in excitement

This was met with loud agreements and murmured denials.

"I don't want to do that again for a while." Deku warily said leaning over the side of the boat as if he was going to puke.

"You shitty deku! Stop being such a weak ass!" Bakugo exclaims

Katsuki May have been nice to me but I know he was not so nice to others. I steer my jet ski towards the boat and stop beside katsuki.

"Katsuki! Hop on with me!" I shout over the rumbling of the boat

"Why should I go with you! You shitty quirkless extra!"

"Just get on you dumb ass."

With a scowl Bakugo gets on to my jet ski. After he is settled I slowly drift away. At this point the boat and the other jet skis had stopped.

"Hey Allie where do you want him!" I shout over to the boat

"Put him on the shore! We'll pick him back up later!"

I then speed towards the shore and stop just short of it. I hop off and take Bakugo's hand which were calloused and rough —not that I minded— and drag him to shore after getting something from a compartment in my jet ski.

After some protests and some tug of war I finally fling him on the sand. He falls on his butt with a very angry look on his face. As he opens his mouth to shout at me I shove some crackers in his mouth and, place the bag for them as well as a water bottle by his side.

"We will pick you up later. You angered Allie and I don't like your attitude a whole lot. You always brag about how you are better than everyone else and this is your punishment or karma or whatever you wanna call it." With that I turn, get on my jet ski and ride back to the boat after shouting a thank you to katsuki for saving me.

Seems cliff jumping is postponed. Time to ride around then come back in a few hours.


(Just a little thing the person we go to the lake with actually has joked about leaving one of my siblings with crackers and water on the shore a picking them up later

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(Just a little thing the person we go to the lake with actually has joked about leaving one of my siblings with crackers and water on the shore a picking them up later. Sorry I just had to add that. Comment if you know someone who would drop you on the shore or if you know someone you would do that to.)

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