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As a kid I always thought I was quirkless. It wasn't horrible being quirkless. When I was younger it wasn't uncommon to be quirkless. The percentage of a person having a quirk always went up with each year.

In Elementary school I had friends who were quirkless we got along quite nicely. We did all the cliched stuff best friends could do. Sleepovers, play dates, talk on the phone.

I found I made friends easily. I was nice, caring, and optimistic. Which is surprising considering I had so called 'mommy issues'.

In short my mom wasn't all that great. She was abrasive and just not nice in general. So at the age of three my father -who I loved dearly- took me away from her and hid me. Divorcing her in the process.

Time went on fine and dandy everything was peaceful. I was a happy kid, had an awesome dad, and never had anything to really complain about.

The thing is after every storm there's a rainbow...

...But what comes after the rainbow?

Another storm.

At the age of nine my 'Mom' found me.

It was the middle of the night when she broke in. She had a gun with her claiming that once she takes me she will kill my dad. I couldn't let that happen.

I swiftly wrestled the death weapon out of her hands, and pointed it back at her. She looked at me with a crazed, but scared look in her eyes.

"Sweetheart let's go back home ok? I'll treat you much better than that man ever will."

That was it! At nine you would think they would not know how to shoot a gun. The truth is you, and my Mom are so wrong.

I close my eyes and pull the trigger.


I slowly open my eyes not wanting to but expecting to see a dead body at the end of my bed. I am met with a dead body, just not at the end of my bed.

It was in the door way...

It was my dad's body.

I hear my mother scream. I quickly look to her. She starts backing away while pointing and screaming.

"Demon! Demon! Demon!"

She runs away...

I sit there confused. I start to feel my face moving on it's own. I itch at it though not being able to feel it. Growing panicked I run to the bathroom to find a mirror.


That's all that was in the house. Along with the strong smell of blood.

I crumble to the floor hold back tears as I think about what I just saw in the mirror. I was in shock, I was afraid, no, I was terrified.

I had just killed my father and now I'm left with half of his face, frozen in terror...

...on my face.

It's haunting...

I fled from the house knowing I couldn't stay there.


Eight years pasted and a 17 I became known as the villain two-face.

I regrettably fiddled around with my quirk finding it's limits and kinks. I discovered if I killed someone their face would disappear after  14 days. Leaving behind a black blank space. I also got their quirk but it's weaker by only a bit. 

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