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(Baby it's cold outside) (not connected to Boat Girl)

🎄Bakugo POV (adult)🎄

I sit in a bar at 11 at night. I've been in America for a few months for hero work. It's currently the month of December and it's fucking cold. There's lights hung pretty much everywhere.

The bar itself is decorated for Christmas. A Christmas tree in the corner decorated with plastic ornaments. Then there's garland hung
On the walls. Then there's the hellish mistletoe. The plant is hung from the ceiling. Thankfully, no one is kissing under it now.

I hold the shot glass in my hand and stare at the liquid. I swig the alcoholic beverage then place it back down on the bar. I call for another one and the bartender delivers. I sigh and sit there for a few moments. I glance around the room at the cheer of the holiday.

I don't have much cheer right now. It's been a long day of hero work and I'm just winding down. I've only had a few drinks barely enough to get tipsy. I take another glance around the room and notice a man harassing a girl. He's fucking disgusting.

I stand up and walk up to the two.

"Hey, Leave the woman alone you fucker." I hiss

"How about you mind your own damn business buddy! Besides this one here loves me! See?! What do you say? Doll? Do you love me?" The man retorts

He's drunk or delusional. That's all I can say. He's also a dumbass. The man has his arms wrapped around the woman's waist not letting her escape. From the few feet I am away from them I can smell the booze from the man. I can also tell that the woman is very uncomfortable.

I huff. I really don't want to do this. I came here to wind down, but it's fuckers like these guys who prevent that.

"Listen you fucker; let go of the girl or else I'm gonna have to blow your ass sky high." I warn him a final time

By now we've drawn some attention. Some people start murmuring about who I am and the predicament.

"Hey look! Do you think that's Ground Zero?!"

"No way! Why would he be here? I think you had to much to drink man."

"That poor girl being caught in the middle of this."

"She was asking for it. I mean look at her clothes!"

"Nah, maybe it's a lovers quarrel?"

I grow irritated of the murmurs and this douche not cooperating. I hold my hand up to my side and let out a few small explosions. This causes everyone to quiet down. The man holding the girl loosens his grip and has a look of unease.

"Let. The. Girl. Go." I snarl trying not to lose my cool.

The man slowly lets go of her before backing away and out the door. Soon everyone starts talking again and the cheer comes back. I look the girl over and see she isn't harmed that I can see. I stare at her and see he shuffle her feet awkwardly.

"Are you ok?" I ask boredly

"Uh...yeah. I'm fine. Thanks." She answers

I pause for a moment and decide to buy her a drink.

"Come on. I'll buy you a drink for your trouble I guess."

"Oh? Um ok." She says confused

I sit down at my previous spot at the bar. Because I was gone so long I decide to discard my drink. I don't want to take any chances with someone spiking my drink. I push the shot out of the way and turn to the bartender.

🛥Boat girl🛥 Bakugo x Reader Where stories live. Discover now