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Jimin wandered around the black painted house, looking through rooms for future escape places and just to get a general vibe. His eyes widened when he opened an iron door, walls moving as rows of guns and knives appeared in front of him. He stepped back, stumbling over as he grew fearful. He thought Yoongi was bluffing about killing someone, turns out he wasn't.

The front door slammed shut and Jimin quickly hurried out, meeting the man at the front door and gasping at what he saw. Yoongi had shoved a bloodied up body into the house, locking the door behind him before walking past a frozen Jimin. Jimin could only stare in shock at the dying person on his floor. 

"I-is he d-dead...?" Yoongi scoffed, grabbing a knife and walking back to Jimin and the man before crouching down on the floor. 

"Not yet. You thought I was bluffing, so I'm here to prove it." Jimin gasped, falling onto the floor before grabbing the man as if to protect him from Yoongi. 


"Why not, huh!? Still think I'm fucking bluffing!?" Yoongi stabbed the knife into the mans back, twisting and turning it as the man wailed in pain, gripping onto Jimin's arms. He stabbed him again and again, dragging it down, blood spilling over the floor like a river. 

"S-stop! Stop it! P-please!" Jimin screamed, trying to push Yoongi away, but only got shoved away. The man was too far gone to cry or scream, only breathing heavily as died. Yoongi pulled the knife out, licking off the blood as he stared into Jimin's eyes hungrily. 

"He's dead because of you."

"W-what...?" Jimin whispered, scooting away from the blood that inched closer to him as it spewed out across the floor. 

"Ha, your the one that thought I was bluffing. I killed him because you thought that. Your the reason he's dead. Take me seriously from now on." Jimin nodded, tears streaming down his face as the smell of iron like blood intoxicated him. It was silent as Yoongi stood against the counter, a fresh beer in his hands as he scrolled through his phone, Jimin still shaking against the wall. 

"Y-Yoongi...d-did you e-even know him?" The man glared down at the small boy, his dark orbs so captivated by Jimin's beauty. 

"No." Jimin nodded, curling in a ball against the wall, his eyes closed as if to imagine the dead man next to him wasn't there. "Jiminie, baby, It's late. Let's get you to bed so I can clean this mess up." The small boy got up, walking to the stairs as Yoongi followed behind him. 

"I can go alone." He snapped as Yoongi huffed in annoyance, turning away and letting Jimin go by himself. He stared down at the dead man, kicking him over before dragging him to his basement. He chucked him down the stairs, following behind and closing the door behind him. He stopped in front of him, looking around before spotting a big bag. A smirk tugged on his lips as he grabbed a sledge hammer. He raised it above his head before smashing it down onto the mans body, sighing when he heard the bones crack and shatter. He kept going until the man was completely broken. He put the hammer down, grabbing the putty like man and contorting him until he fit in the bag, his bloody body folding and turning in disgusting ways. He zipped it up, throwing the bag with the man in it to the side, before walking back upstairs to clean the blood on the dark wood floors. 


"They haven't found anything since the party was so crowded." Namjoon nodded as he sat on Jimin's old bed, playing with the blankets. Jungkook sighed at Jin's news, leaning against the bed frame. Taehyung was in the corner scrolling through pictures of them, tears in his eyes, in all of their eyes. 

"Tae, can you track his phone?" Hoseok asked, getting his own out to see if Jimin shared his location. The blue haired boy shook his head 'no'. He tried that, he tracked his credit card too, everything. 

"Wait- he has his, um, normal l-live tomorrow. Let's see if he does it; he might need help and went there, he-"

"Okay. We'll do that." 


Yoongi smiled as he stared down at the innocent looking boy curled up in bed. He placed his hand on the boys soft cheek, running it down to his glossy lips and down to his collarbones. He feel in love with Jimin and every time that boy said something it hurt Yoongi. He sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed and laying his head on Jimin's tummy, using it like a pillow as the angel slept.

"Y-Yoongi..." His head turned up towards Jimin's face, the boy slowly waking up from the pressure on his stomach. "W-what are you doing?"

"Resting." Jimin nodded, his eyes fluttering shut as he fell back asleep, his small hands subconsciously playing with Yoongi's blonde hair. Yoongi smiled, leaning into the boy's touch, slowly falling asleep too. 

A couple hours later and morning had already come. Yoongi yawned, stretching and grabbing the closest thing, Jimin, and pulling him close to him. Jimin groaned, curling up into the body, still mostly asleep. His eyes fluttered open, a small whine escaping his lips as he woke up, his eyes widening as he fully realized the position. Yoongi was spooning him, his arms wrapped firmly around Jimin's little waist. 

"Yoongi. Let. Go." The older groaned, his eyes opening as he stared across at Jimin. He smirked, tightening his grip on the small boy. 

"Rule five; never wake me up." Jimin whined, turning his head away and wiggling against him to get away, resulting in him facing the older's chest.

"Let me go! Let g-go!"

"Shut up! Let me fucking sleep!" Jimin whimpered, hiding his face in Yoongi's chest, gasping when he realized the boy has no shirt on. His eyes stared in awe at the pale, toned chest in front of him, muscles bulging. He gulped, closing his eyes and subconsciously snuggling up to him. He soon fell asleep too. The thing that scared Jimin most was that he was afraid of his friends getting hurt, himself getting hurt. So, he would pretty much do anything for Yoongi as long as he didn't touch his friends. He was scared for his own future.


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