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Blood seeped into the white carpet, the dark red print of footsteps standing out clearly. The only sound in the room were sharp breathes and the cocking of a gun. A man was tied up in a chair, his hands bound behind the back while the wood creaked whenever he fought against the ropes holding him still. He whined, tears rolling down his cheeks from the excruciating pain all over his body. He watched as his own wounds dripped blood, the thick substance making him nauseous. 

"P-please..." The blonde across from him paid no attention, only refilling his gun. He stood up, walking in front of the man and staring down at him, emotionless. "P-please!" 

"I'm still having trouble understanding why I was told to kill you." The man cried, his body ready to give up. 

"I- I don't k-know! P-ple- Aghhhghhh!" The man screamed out in pain as Yoongi sliced his blade across the mans eyes, the blood running down his face. Yoongi smirked, lifting his fist and punching him in the same place he cut him, making the wound worse. The man screamed in agony, his hair plastered to his face from blood, sweat and tears. "S-stop!" His words came out muffled as blood spilled into his mouth.

"I want to know why!" Yoongi yelled at him, jabbing his finger's into a busted wound on his thigh, blood spilling from it. The man could barely speak, just cry and whimper at the pain. Truth was, Yoongi didn't really care about why, he just liked torturing the man. 

"I- I'm sorry!" Yoongi clicked his tongue, smiling down at the man as he ran his veiny hand over the mans throat before digging his nails around his trachea and with his other hand, cutting it out with a blade. He pulled it out of him, blood and muscle spraying against his own clothes as he killed the man, his windpipe sticking out of his neck, blood spewing everywhere. 

"Too fucking whiny." 


Jimin and Jackson were passed out on the couch, Jackson's arm wrapped firmly around the small boy, cuddling him. The credits for Bambi were playing on the TV, the sound still blaring as the two of them had fallen asleep on each other. Jimin yawned, shuffling himself in Jackson's lap more and lightly scratching his nose before a small sneeze left him. Popcorn had fallen onto the floor and candy wrappers were scattered around them. The front door opened, but they were both too asleep to notice when Yoongi walked in. 

"Jackson?" Yoongi called out, the ending credits of Bambi catching his attention as he made his way into the living room. His breath hitched when he saw the two boys cuddling together, jealousy seeping into him. He just stood there, his breath ragged as he watched how Jimin was more physical with Jackson than he ever was with Yoongi. He walked away into the kitchen, grabbing some random food from the fridge and popping it into the microwave. He heard movement and grunts from the other room before a cute giggle was heard, making his heart clench. 

"Yeo, Yoongi~." Jackson slurred, walking into the kitchen, Jimin stumbling behind him, clinging onto his hand like a child. Yoongi just glared at him, sitting down and eating his food, his eyes strained on Jackson and Jimin's connected hands. 

"Hi." Jimin didn't say anything to Yoongi, just slightly hiding himself behind Jackson. Jackson yawned again, passing it to Jimin and chuckling at the small whine that left the peach haired boy.

"Well, I'm tired as fuck. Ima head up to bed...see ya." Jackson kissed Jimin's head, ruffling his hair before waving at Yoongi and walking up the grand staircase to the bedrooms. Jimin giggled, rubbing his eyes and collapsing into one of the kitchen chairs. Yoongi didn't speak to him, just staring at him. 

"Yoongi? You've got blood on your hands..." The blonde nodded, picking at his food as his elbows rested on the table. 

"I know." Jimin sighed, getting up and walking over to the living room to clean up, returning with candy wrappers and popcorn bowls. He threw them away, grabbing his teddy bear and a glass of water, before making his way to the stairs. 

"Yoongi, I'm going to bed." The blonde scoffed, throwing his dishes into the trash, not caring to wash or keep them. 

"Stay." Jimin stopped walking, slightly turning back to look at Yoongi. 

"I'm not a damn dog." Yoongi smirked, walking over to the small boy and pushing him against the wall, his hands moving down to grip at Jimin's waist. 

"Yeah you are. My fucking bitch, dog, whatever I want you to be. Get that through your fucking head." Jimin whimpered, looking away from the older and hugging his stuffie closer to his chest. 

"Why a-are you so m-mean to me?" Yoongi's eyes widened, a pang of guilt hitting him as he heard the boys words.

"I'm not!" Jimin didn't answer and his silence was enough for Yoongi to know what he was thinking. "Okay, I'm sorry. Why don't you get into bed...and I'll take a shower and join you in a few, alright?" Jimin nodded, his lip slightly trembling as he squeezed past Yoongi and ran up the stairs. The blonde sighed, rubbing his head and lightly hitting it against the wall. 


Yoongi walked out from the bathroom, a towel wrapped tightly around his waist, muscles, tattoos, and scars on full view. He opened the bedroom door, smirking at Jimin's cute, sleeping form all tucked under the blankets. The blonde changed into boxers and sweatpants before cuddling up to Jimin's warm body and kissing the golden skin of his neck. He snuck his hand to the boys ass, harshly squeezing the soft flesh. He bit down on Jimin's skin, sucking and gnawing at it, eliciting cute moans from Jimin's plump lips. Yoongi froze at the next words, or in this case whimper, that left the younger's throat.

"Mmm J-Jackson~"


𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘢𝘺, 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵...

- 𝘔

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