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A thin man walked down the streets of the cute looking neighborhood, his white suit slightly baggy as it tried to hug his form. His hair was messy; brown curls going in all directions as the wind swept them around. His face showed anything but happiness; stress lines and a thin frown playing on his lips. A little bug was tucked into his coat pocket, ready to catch anything for the PD. (bug as in - miniature radio transmitter)

He walked up the stone steps of a nice house and knocked twice, taking a step back to wait. The door swung open and a slightly impatient looking man looked down at the thinner. The white suited man smiled, pushing his glasses up higher onto the bridge of his nose. 

"Hello, Min Yoongi?" The said man nodded, looking around before stepping outside.

"Uh, yeah...who're you?" His cat like eyes almost turned into slits as he stared him down. The smaller gulped, taking a step back and chuckling in a nervous tone. 

"I'm here from M.U.C.P.; the place you were sentenced for seven years. Anyway, I was here to just check in and see how your doing." Yoongi nodded slowly, stepping aside for the man to walk into the house. He shut the door behind him, his eyes strained on the guest's back. 

"Well, here's my place. Living room or kitchen?" The sharp dressed man looked back at him a little nervously. 


"To meet? And talk..." The man sucked in a breath, nodding his head as he pointed to the kitchen. Yoongi nodded, pulling a chair from the table for the man to sit. "What's your name?"

"Uh...Sam..." Yoongi nodded, hoisting himself onto the counter top and groaning. The man, Sam, was clearly nervous from being in the home of a mentally unstable killer and possible kidnapper. "So! How are you progressing? Any hobbies?" Yoongi sighed, rubbing his face with his palm and leaning back against the cabinets. 

"Yeah, I'm doing just swell. Y'know...getting back with the boys, going out on Saturday nights to hang and get out, a quick fuck if the ladies are interested. Wednesdays we go fishing!" Sam smiled, true interest on his face as leaned forward. 

"Really?! That's wonderf-"

"No. Fucking dumbass." Yoongi hopped off the counter, stalking towards the man, a grim expression on his face. "I know who you are...fucking, working for the police...tryna figure me out. I'm not a fucking moron; I know you've got a bug on you." Sam gulped, a small chuckle leaving his lips. 

"W-what?" Yoongi just smirked, grabbing his coat and ripping the bug off of him before holding it up to his lips, speaking to the FBI on the other side of the speaker. 

"I know you're fucking after me. I ran away from you moron's for years, it's really not that easy to catch me." He waited for a second before looking down at the quivering man. "I have Jimin. We love each other, I doubt he will leave me. Fucking. Come. Get. Me. It will ruin his little life." With that he smashed the bug in his palm, throwing it at the wall. His eyes shot down to the man, a creepy grin on his face. 

"I- I-" Yoongi quickly grabbed his head before he could do anything, snapping his wrists and killing the man. 

"Don't stutter."


The four men stared at each other, mouth's still open from the confession of the blonde. One of them got up, his hands brushing off his thin pants. The other three looked up at him, unreadable expressions on their faces. 

"I...I feel like it was so obvious." One of the men hummed in agreement, running his thick fingers through his hair before looking at the floor. 

"Let's not worry about that now. Let's get SWAT ready and a bunch of previous officers that were involved in his earlier arrest." The three hummed, getting up and marching over to their stations. One told another officer who nodded, calling attention to the group of officers in their work area. 

"He's not going back there, or being arrested this time! You know what to do." With that, the officers and FBI filed out, preparing for the night ahead. 


"You know, I think it's funny when some people say that they'd rather be alone then risk love...I would never be able to do that..." Yoongi smiled, sweaty from their previous act of love towards each other. Jimin lay sprawled across his chest, his finger's drawing circles on his muscles. They were both currently naked, sweat and cum glistening on their bodies. 

"Mhm...yet, you'll never be alone with me around...I love you, Jiminie..." The said boy blushed, scooting up to place a kiss on Yoongi's lips. He hummed against his lips, keeping them connected as long as he could. 

Jimin pulled away, an adorable smile adorning his beautiful face. He leaned back down, peppering small kisses on the elder's cheeks and face, leaning down towards his neck to kiss and suck at his skin. Yoongi groaned, tangling his fingers in Jimins hair as the younger painted hickeys on his neck. 

"Yoongi..." The peach haired boy, now mostly black haired, mumbled against his skin, closing his eyes and burying his face into the crook of his neck. Yoongi smiled, closing his own eyes as a small tear fell down his cheeks, landing onto Jimin's bruised and marked up neck. 


The ravenette groaned as he rolled over in his bed, grabbing his ringing phone. He groaned when he saw the name as "Unknown." He picked it up nevertheless, holding it to his ear as he yawned, his neck straining in the process. 

"Hello, Jeon Jungkook?" Jungkook hummed, rubbing his eyes as he waited for the man to continue. "We- well the FBI and some people from M.U.C.P.-"

"M.U.C.P.?" Jungkook asked, furrowing his eyebrows. He heard a deep sigh on the other end, loud sirens in the background. 

"Mentally Unstable Criminals Prison, the place Min Yoongi was at. Anyway, he has Jimin. It's been confessed." Jungkook's eyes widened, immediately sitting up in the bed and throwing the sheets off of him. 


"Yes, but...Yoongi confessed that Jimin and him love each other. I just wanted you to know that. So, when we get back after tonight, you'll need to make sure he's okay. Here's the address- xxxxxxxxxx. Anyway, wanted to let you know." With that he hung up, not letting the boy have a second to speak. 


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