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"Y-Yoongi, I-" Jimin was interrupted when the older pressed his lips to Jimins, lovingly slipping his tongue into his mouth and gently kissing him. It was different and more affectionate; Jimin loved it and immediately kissed back, despite the spilled milk. Yoongi pulled away, his hands moving to cup Jimin's face.

"Never mind, just let me fuck you." Jimin looked away, biting his lip in contemplation. Yoongi didn't want to force it on him anymore, he wanted to feel like Jimin also wanted him for once.

"If I say no...?" It was silent for a minute, Jimin still not meeting his eyes as he thought he knew he would be fucked either way. 

"Then I won't force it on you anymore..." Jimin smiled a bit, leaning up to kiss the mans cheek. 

"Okay, I-I'll do it...but p-please don't make it hurt like usual..." Yoongi nodded a little, picking Jimin up and carrying him to the stairs. "And dammit, get us out of these milk stained clothes."

"Anything for you, baby." Jimin blushed at the soft words, clinging onto Yoongi as he carried him up and placed him gently on the bed.

"What changed?" Yoongi crawled over him, blonde hair getting in the way of his sight. 

"What?" Jimin smiled, brushing it out of the way and staring into his ebony eyes. 

"Why are you acting all nice and soft all of a sudden?" Yoongi smiled, kissing Jimin's neck and ignoring the question. "Hm?" 

"Because it makes me at least feel like you want me as well, gives me that illusion." Jimin frowned, wanting to just tell him the truth, but he couldn't. He couldn't except that this will be his life. He can't except that he loves Yoongi.

"Oh? Well, hurry this up so I can sleep." Yoongi smirked a little, slowly kissing down the boys throat and giving it a little nip, causing the younger to whimper. 

"Wanna know something cool?" Jimin rolled his eyes, his hands going to play in Yoongi's greasy hair. 

"What?" He could feel the older smirk against his skin, a small growl eliciting from his lips. 

"I once tore a mans throat out with my hands, the bone and cartilage were sticking right out of his neck, just below his chin, blood was running down his ripped up body." Jimin's eyes widened, forgetting for a second that this was normal before calming down while the older pushed his hoodie up, kissing his tummy. Yoongi smirked, remembering that the hoodie was the only thing on the small boy. 

"I- I can't say that t-turned me on..." Yoongi chuckled against his skin, hooded eyes looking into Jimins lust filled ones. The older ran his hands against Jimin's plush thighs, groaning at the feeling of the soft skin. 

"Fuck, do I have to prep you?" Jimin whined, covering up his face with the sleeves of his hoodie.

"Y-yes-" Jimin was cut off by Yoongi's finger's pressing against his lips, before shoving them inside, coating them with the younger's saliva. Yoongi groaned, pulling them out with a pop, their eyes connected as he did so. Yoongi pressed two of the finger's to Jimin's pink hole, pushing them in harshly and starting to slowly fuck them into him. "O-ow! Wait, Yoongi~" Jimin felt a tear slip down his cheek at the pain. 

"I-I'm sorry, I- don't really k-know gentle!" Jimin nodded, biting his lip and closing his eyes at the pain that slowly turned bearable. "I- if you w-want you can do it, if it make-"

"Oh my god! Just shut up and do it." Jimin huffed, his hands reaching up to tangle themselves into the older's hair. He gasped when he added a third finger, the younger moaning softly as it started to feel good. "I- I wonder if anyone t-thinks I'm dead."

"Why would they?" Jimin winced a little as Yoongi harshly thrusted his finger's, twisting them a bit as the younger squirmed. 

"C-cause I haven't d-done my ahhh~ months...' Yoongi hummed, pulling his wet finger's out of Jimin's hole and wiping them on his ass. 

"Would you...e-ever do it with me?" Jimin scoffed lightly, smiling at the gentle and shy voice. He heard the older unzip his jeans and his belt tinking as it slid away from his pants. 

"Probably not. I've never had s-someone on my show...but, maybe..." The younger trialed off, think a bit about if he posted, the police could track his address and help him. He smiled at the thought, though it quickly went away when he realized Yoongi would be taken from him as well. 

"Ready?" Jimin nodded, gasping when Yoongi pushed his dick inside the younger's tight hole. He panted, flicking his head to get rid of the blonde hair in front of his eyes. "How do you want it?" Yoongi started to pull out before the pink haired boy's little hands stopped him. 

"Soft, slow, meaningful, gentle...kind." Yoongi smiled, nodding his head and picking up Jimin's plush thighs and wrapping them around his waist. He leaned down, carefully holding the younger's face and kissing his lips, slowly pulling out before thrusting back in, a slow, sweet pace being set. Jimin moaned, wrapping his arms around the older's shoulders and cuddling into his neck, his ragged breath sending warmth to Yoongi. 

"You okay?" Jimin whined in response, nodding his head and yelping at a harsh thrust, his body rocking forward. "Words, baby..."

"Y-yeah...feels good. Y-you?" Yoongi hummed, groaning as Jimin bit his shoulder. "Words, baby..." Jimin mocked, grinning a little when Yoongi rolled his eyes. 

"Amazing...even better b-because it's you..." Jimin giggled, throwing his head back when Yoongi hit his prostate, a high pitched moan escaping his plump lips. 

"F-fuck...Yoongi~" The said boy smiled against Jimin's tan chest, kissing it before moving up his neck and stopping at the boy's jaw. 

"I love y-you, Jimin."



𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘧𝘵 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵.

- 𝘔

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