She's back!

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East pov

I'm sitting back in my office just chilling when a knock comes on my door

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I'm sitting back in my office just chilling when a knock comes on my door.

"Come in." I barked.

"Sup boss man you wanted to see me?" Felix asked.

"Yeah step through."

He walked inside and tried to sit down.

"Nigga stand your ass up."

He shot up hella quick.

"Now tell me why your cut was short this week." I asked glaring at him.

"I wasn't short I made sure all my shit was there before giving it to stacks." He said shaking.

"Oh yeah hold on."

I texted stacks to come into my office and this nigga started sweating like a run away slave. Not even 5 seconds later he came in.

"Wassup witcha boi." He said dapping me up.

"Shit man dealing with this bitch ass nigga right here."

"Oh yeah what he talking?"

"Well I'm hearing he ain't short he said he counted it infront of you before giving it to you."

"So you lying on my name cuz?"

He didn't say anything at all he just stood there shaking like a leaf.

"Nigga what you can't speak?"


Before he said anything I just shot him in the head. This nigga was lying his head off.

"Get the clean up crew in here stacks."

He nodded and went to grab the clean up crew. As I'm sitting there smoking a blunt I started thinking about my life shit be crazy sometimes I went from a small time drug dealer to one of the top drug lords in city shit life's been good for me. My daughter happy I got money and bitches just flock to me but I do miss my cookie she was a real ride or die shit only reason why we really sperated is because she went to college and we was both trying to get our lives on track I hope she doing good though. The clean up crew came and left when another knock came at the door.

"Come in." I said rolling a blunt.

It was cousin black.

"Wassup cuz?" He said.

"Shit rolling up you trying to smoke?"

"Nigga does a fat kid love cake?"

This nigga stupid bro.

"What you was up to?"

"Shit getting this money you know how it is and dealing with Leslie ass."

Leslie is blacks babymama her ass is crazy as fuck.

"Nigga I told you to stop messing with that bitch before hand."

"I know and my ass should have listened her ass done bleached all my shit all because she think I'm talking to her cousin."

"Is you talking to her cousin?"

"Yeah but she ain't got no right to assume the shit."

"Nigga your ass retarded."

"Aye atleast I ain't messing with these hoe out her like you. You need to get you a solid bitch."

"You know these hoes ain't loyal besides I ain't looking for no wifey."

"Uh huh now when your dick fall off don't say shit to me."

"Nigga fuck you."

"I'm just saying you keep messing with hoes like tati you going to catch something."

Tati is one of the many hoes I fuck with she just the main hoe she knows her place though.

"Yeah whatever nigga."

Before he could say something else there was a knock at the door again but this time it was big t my security.

"Wassup Big T." I said.

"Aye man someone's here to see talk to you."

"You got someone coming?"

"Na aye T whoever it is tell them to go away."

He shrugged.

"Sorry first lady he ain't trying to see nobody right now." He said.

First lady? I know he ain't talking about...

"Well he is today damn I leave for a little while and your ass forget who your cookie is?" She asked.


"Did you miss me?" She asked.

My mouthafucking cookie.

Jazz pov

I came into town a couple of days ago I wanted to go see dave but he changes his number so I decided to pull up to his trap. As I walked up I seen big t standing there.

"Well well we'll look what the cat drug in wassup first lady?" He asked giving me a hug.

"What's good T? How you been?"

"Good cookie how you been how was college?"

"Awesome I just graduated."

"Awe man I missed it?" He asked.

"It's all good I know you would have came if you could is big head in there?"

"Yeah he is come on I'll lead you up there." He said.

I nodded and he started walking me towards the back of the trap.

"Stay right here."


He went in and said something I could quiet make it out so I walked closer.

"Tell whoever it is I ain't seeing nobody."

"Sorry first lady he ain't seeing nobody right now." T said.

"Oh really?" He nodded.

He moved out the way slightly so I could go in.

"Well he is today damn I leave for a little when and you forget who your cookie is?"

"Jazz?" East said.

"In the flesh."

The look on his face was priceless because he knows his cookie is back.

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