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We rode to the trap I honestly did not feel like dealing with this shit right now niggas give me a headache bro. When we got there I parked the car got out and helped jazz out.

"Thank you sir."

"Your welcome ma so look when we get in there go stra-"

"Straight to your office blah blah blah I know you only said it like 50x." She said rolling her eyes.

"See you keep rolling then damn eyes they going to get stuck like that."

"Um hmm come on so we can go." She said walking past me.

"You don't run me cookie."

"So you say whatever helps you sleep at night east."

She the only female that talks to me out the side of her neck and I allow that shit.

"Watch I'm going to fuck you up when we get to the house."

"Ohhhh I'm so scared I'm shaking in my boots." She said giggling.

"See this is why I can't stand your big headed ass."

"But you love me though."

"Yup and that's the only reason why you can say what you want to say to me."

"Well I'm going to do that regardless but whatever."

I shook my head and opened the trap door as we walked down the hall I seen two of my corner boys tied up and gagged talking shit but when everyone seen me they got quiet.

"Aye big t come here real fast."

He walked over to me.

"Wassup boss man?"

"Take first lady up to my office will you?"


"Man I can't never watch." She said mumbling.

"I know baby girl but come on let's catch up." He said extending his arm out.

She nodded and took his arm.

"Be safe." She said giving me a kiss on my cheek.

I nodded and waited till they was fully upstairs.

"So these the bitch ass niggas that thought they could steal my shit and get away with it?"

"Yeah I caught them and I figured you would want to handle them." Black said.

"Good looking take the cloths out they mouths."

One of the works took it out they mouths and i let them speak before they deaths.

"Now tell me who bright ass idea was it to steal my shit?"

They didn't say nothing.

"So y'all niggas ain't going to talk."

"Aight that's cool aye knox give me that bat right there."

He passed me the bat and aimed for marcus. Now see marcus was my corner boys for a lil while I never really like the nigga anyways so this should be fun.

"Fuck." He said as he spat blood out.

"Now Dez bro I thought we was better than this?"

"Nigga fuck you." He spat.

"Oh it's fuck me huh?"

"Yeah nigga fuck-"

I didn't even let him say anything I just cracked his damn skull.

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