Cookies pov
"He got me fucked up! He going to push me! Me! Moutha fucking cookie i don't know what got into his skull but he need to fucking fix it.""Okayy calm down ms.boosie bad ass." Leslie said.
"I mean what happened i don't get it why would he do that?" Ms. Angela said.
"I don't know but he better go fix it and I mean fix it right the fuck now."
"Okay calm down have a seat before my God baby drops before his/or her time." Leslie said.
"Then kindly explain to us what happened." Grandma said.
"Okay so boom me and Terrance are in the kitchen talking he asked me did I talk to east for him and I said he wasn't having it."
"Hold on pause you was talking to him?" Leslie asked.
"Yes then black asked where I was and I told him downstairs and when he seen that I was talking to Terrance he just started beating his ass and when I tried to pull."
My grandmother caught me right then and there.
"Oh no ma'ma what have I always told you?" She asked.
I mean she told me Hella things.
"Never wear heels that ain't more than four inches off the ground?"
"No the other thing I taught you." Grandma said.
"Never get in between to men fighting."
"Why is that?" She asked.
"Because someone could get hurt but all I was trying to do was stop it."
"Babe we understand you was trying to do the right thing but this time it was at the wrong time and it wasn't your place east has a alot of unresolved issues with his dad he needs to handle you can't fix everything jazz stop trying to." Leslie said.
"This is more than just about east and his dad huh?"
I nodded and my grandma let out a breath.
"Leslie can you please excuse us?" My grandma asked.
She nodded then made her way towards the door and closed it.
"Okay babygirl its just me and you lets talk." She said.
"Grandma growing up with you was amazing but I just can't help to think.."
"What it would be like if your father was here?" She asked.
"I know." She said.
A silence grew between us until she finally spoke with a smile on her face.
"I remember when you dad first brought you home you should have seen how proud he was of you." She said.
"He was?"
"Ohh girl yes he had everyone on the block in love with you he would always say there goes my cookie shes going to be somebody one day and she going to end up with that boy down the way lil east."
I laughed to stop from crying.
"Yeah he did use to say that alot huh oh yes honey and his block parties was legendary thats why I still do them to keep your dads legacy alive." She said.
I was 13 when my dad passed me and east was on our way back from school and there was caution tape every where and flashing lights and of course us being nosey kids we had to go look but some thing in my heart wasn't right and when I looked at the shoes the man was wearing I automatically ran over it was my dad and he just wouldn't wake up people tried to grab me but I wouldn't let go I begged him to wake up he did a lil bit just enough to say I lobe you cookie right then and there he died in my arms east was there for me the whole entire time.
"I still think about him every day grandma I can't stop thinking about it."
"I know babe i know so have you talked to east about it."
I shook my head no.
"Well you should maybe he can get a clear understanding on why you feel like this but just like he let you heal on your own terms you got to let him heal on his don't try to force something that ain't there you understand me?" She asked.
"Yeah I do."
"Good now go talk to your husband please im not trying to have blood on my clothes trying to patch nobody up you need me to come with you?"
"Na ill be down there in a min knowing him he probably smoking a blunt trying to relax."
"Okay babe I'll see you soon and remember don't force something that is not in your control Okay?"
I nodded she gave me one last smile and walked out the door. I miss my dad so much it hurts he's not here anymore I just need a moment before I talk to him I shouldn't have came at him like that I need to apologize.
East pov
I'm sitting on the balcony of me and jazz villa I ain't going down there to apologize fuck him in my mind he got what he deserved but I do need to apologize to my babe I didn't mean to push her that could have ended badly I just really don't understand why she wants me to talk to him.
"Hey." My mom said.
She walked up closer to me and sat down next to me.
"So I heard what happened back there you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah I guess."
"What about cookie she doing okay?"
I shrugged.
"She not speaking to me right now she still wants me to talk it out with this nigga man and i don't know why you insist on wanting to be with him."
"Som there is alot of things that where said and done back in the day that I wish I could take back and one of the things I can take back is lying to you." She said.
"What you mean lie to me you never lied to me."
"I did and this is the only lie I ever told to you so just know that but your father didn't leave me for another women."
"What? Yes he did you told me."
"No he didn't I left him for another man around the time I was pregnant with you." She said.
"What? "
"I left your father because I fell in love with another man your dad wasn't home enough so I just.."
"Yooo so all this time you had me hating this man because of the lies you told me."
"I know and that was wrong of me." She said.
"So everything you told me about him was a lie? For what? Why would you do that?"
"I don't know bitter jealousy I don't know i just didn't know what to do about it he moved so fast its almost like he forgot about me and that was selfish on my end so ever since then I've been trying to make it right."
"Did he even know about me?"
"He thought it was the other man's baby up until was about 10 we had fallen on hard times and I went to him for help then once he seen you he could see it in your eyes you was his kid he was so mad he couldn't stand the site of me he fought me for custody of you but I won and we didn't speak until recently there hasn't been a day hes stopped thinking about you so if you going to hate anyone hate me not him." She said.
I just shook my head and walked way.
"East where are you going?" She asked.
"Away for a while and talk to my wife I got to get up out here."
I walked back to me and jazz room where she was laying down.
"Can we talk?" I asked.
"Yeah I think we should."
To be continued....

His one true love
KurzgeschichtenMeet east he's the drug lord you do not wanna cross he doesn't give a fuck who you are or who you are he shoots first and ask questions later he puts fear in a lot of people except for one person. East has it all money,power,he can be with anyone...