Healing part 2

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Blacks povI knew I had to tell Leslie about whats was going on with me I just some how wished I knew how to

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Blacks pov
I knew I had to tell Leslie about whats was going on with me I just some how wished I knew how to. I've been suffering from bipolar disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder every time I was around leslie I would hide my pills so she wouldn't see them honestly shes been my sanity through all this and then I start having my bad days when I start letting ny demons talk to me and east has to calm me down hes been telling me for years to tell leslie about whats been going on with me but I couldn't and instead of taking my prescription pills I would self medicate I know that wasnt wise but I thought by doing that I could keep my demons under control but it only made it worse so I continued to push her away so she could find someone better but it just made me angry thinking about it so I tried to live to separate lives I never met to hurt leslie ever but how can I possibly make this up to her?

"Hey guys!" Cookie said.

"Hey sis can I talk to Leslie real fast?"

Cookie and leslie both looked at each other and leslie gave a nod.

"Aight no fighting you to she pregnant remember that!" She said.

"Come on dimples let's let them talk it's about time they do." East said.

She nodded and started walking towards the house with east. Once they was gone I sat on the side of Leslie and both set there in silence.

"Look Leslie about this morning-"

"Kahlid I don't really wanna talk okay just let me relax please I'm tried of fighting with you."

See this how I know I fucked up she using my real name.

"Leslie you have got to listen to me okay there's been something I have been meaning to tell you for a long time but I just never knew how."

She took off her sunglasses and looked me in the eyes.

"This is serious aint it?" She asked.

"Yes babe it is."

"Okay what is it?" She asked holding my hands.

She makes me feel safe right now.

"Leslie I've been having a fight with in myself for a very long time and there is no easy way to tell you this but I-"

I chocked up a little bit.

"Hey hey whats wrong tell me khalid what's wrong."

"The reason that I've always pushed you away and I've always hurt you in a way is because I have bipolar disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder."

She was silent for a min and just looked at me like she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why would you keep something like that from me?"

"I thought if I told you would leave me and take pilar away from me I couldn't have that but the way I've hurt you I wouldn't be surprised if you left me right now and I honestly wouldn't blame you."

"Black how long have we've known each other?" She asked.

"Since we was 5.".

"What were we before all this?" She asked.

"Best friends ride or die really even if we argued every day everbody knew we stay rocking together."

"Exactly so what makes you think that I would leave my best friend my homie my lover the father of my children alone to fight this battle by himself? I would never do that to you khalid and you need to know that." She said.

"I know but I got this demon thats inside my head that won't get out ot causes me to make poor decision and I dont know at one point I feel like you was to good for me so I started pushing you away further and further so I wouldn't hurt you or harm you but in reality your my sanity I may not be able to take back what I did or said to you and I honestly wish I could but I dont care how long it takes to make this right I'm going to do it."

"That means alot black when where you diagnosed with it?" She asked.

"Ever since I was 10."

"Do you take medications for it?"

"No I usually self medicate."

She shook her head.

"Black you have to take them pills thats the only way that demon is going to go away."

"I just don't like the way it makes me feel Leslie I hate taking pills."

"Well self medicating aint no better and I'm not judging but you need to take those pills if not for you do it for us and our family fight for this bit in order to do that you have to surpress what's inside of you and we can start by you taking them pills and we will go from there." She said.


"Yes we you are still my family at the end of the day and I will never turn my back on you no matter how bad things maybe I'm right here for you." She said.

That kinda but a smile on my face knowing I got her in my corner.

"So what know?"

"First did you take your pills today?"

"Yeah I took them earlier."

"Okay good and we are going to take baby steps you hear me we can not rush back into this and if the babys not yours that would be great but if it is..". She strayed off.

"I know baby steps and thats all I can ask for."

She nodded and smile and gave me a huge hug and kiss on the cheek.

"I love you leslie."

"I love you to khalid but come on lets go ft pilar." She said.

I nodded and we got up to go facetime pilar they my whole ass heartbeat I pray to god this ain't my baby.

Leslie pov
When black explained to me what was going on with him it made so much more since on why he acted like the way he does he cant really control that shit but we can try to I'm glad he finally told me I just wish east would have told me jazz was just as shocked as me when he told her she was mad as fuck at east to the pint she stormed off.

"Aye leslie you seen jazz?" East asked.

"No but I'll go find her."

He nodded it was getting kinda late but she was probably by the beach chairs like last time. I called her name like 3 different times.

"Where the fuck could she be at?"

I called her phone but it was just ringing when I looked in the distance I seen her phone on the ground but shes no where near in sight. I automatically called east.

"Aye bro you need to get down here asap som-"

I dropped and everything went pitch  black. What the fuck is going on?

Guess we will have to wait and see huh?

By the way my birthday tomorrow guys yeah!!!!!

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